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Funny / Nothing Much To Do

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  • Ben's first vlog and his "friend Charlie's" bird murders.
  • Ben's second Q&A video when he's asked whether he'd take Beatrice with him if he went travelling with the Doctor. Ben proceeds to seriously consider whether he and Bea are ready for that commitment and how he'd ask her.
    Ben: "I mean how would I say it? Would I just go around to her house and be like 'Hey...Beatrice, want to come hang out in a blue box with the lanky British guy and an alien?'
  • Dogberry and Verges reaction to the drug use in the Adventures of Sherlock Holmes during A Study in Read
    Dogberry:(reading aloud) ...alternating from week to week between coc-cocaine.
    Verges: It's a metaphor!
    Dogberry:He didn't! Detectives don't-! Umm... *flips to random page* Holmes walked into the opium den.
    Verges: Extended metaphor! English!
  • Dogberry and Verges making sure Robbie's Mum wasn't worried about him after they kidnap him.
    Verges: "We borrowed Robbie's phone and texted his Mum. So she knew where he was. We said 'hey mum, I'm just staying at Cora's at the night. Lots and lots of love, Robbie'
    Dogberry: "He wasn't very happy about it. I think he and his Mum have some...issues. They need to resolve them."
    Verges: "She texted back and said 'nice of you to tell me where you are this time.' So, I'm assuming there's a history."
    Dogberry: "Yes. Almost certainly. We're not going to get into that right now."
