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Funny / Mix Beer With Liquor And You Will Get Sicker

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  • Lauchlan's realization that the person in whose bed he finds himself is indeed male.
    The woman had bloody stubble!
  • Really, Lauchlan's and Corbin's entire interaction upon their first morning together arguably qualifies. Corbin is all cranky and irritable and mainly interested in getting his dislocated back into place again, and Lauchlan struggles to be polite while he's actually confused and hungover and scared out of his wits, and all he wants is to take flight.
    And he still needed to pee.
  • In chapter 3, after Corbin has walked through a snow storm and is understandably not in the best mood, what does Lauchlan do? Why, wrap the notoriously short Corbin in several large horse blankets until only his head juts out and towel his hair dry without a warning. The description of Lauchlan being all the helpful dearie and Corbin the blanket burrito pulling a grumpy face makes for a pretty hilarious picture.
  • After their second night together, Lauchlan is extremely aware of every movement Corbin makes, every little bit reminding him of the past night and titillating him. Corbin notices how mortified he is and begins to tease the hell out of him, upon which Lauchlan quickly recalls he needs to be somewhere else right now.
  • Lauchlan's embarrassment when Corbin offers him a scarf and he realizes it's because Corbin has left him some hickeys he might want to cover up.
  • Corbin discussing Lauchlan's Gayngst with him.
    Lauchlan: "Even if I'm not mad, I'm still a sodomite."
    Corbin: "You say that like it's a bad thing."
    Lauchlan: "And you think it isn't?"
    Corbin: "You think I'd be so keen on doing it if I did?"
  • Okay, the end of chapter 16 should not really be funny, as Lauchlan just had a pretty dramatic fall-out with Corbin and is in tears now, but the only listener he has is his cat, and Vagabond's reactions (or rather lack thereof) make it a tiny bit hilarious.
    He stayed there with Vagabond for the better part of an hour, gushing nonsense to her, and sobbing like a fool. She fell asleep, at some point, and left him talking to the air.
