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Funny / Girl vs. Monster

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  • Skylar's parents arguing over whether garlic repels monsters, with her dad being skeptical about the double blind studies her mom cites because they're funded by the garlic industry.
  • Skylar sees Myra for the first time after she had her accident and wears a neck brace that stops her from speaking normally. When she asks what happened, Myra responds with a series of squeaks, mumbles and frantic gestures.
    Ryan: She fell.
  • Deimata reacquainting herself with the world since she has been trapped:
    Deimata: How's the fear business? Stephen King still writing?
    Theodosia: Yes, but his last novel was historical fiction.
    Deimata: Scary historical fiction?
    Theodosia: Not particularly.
    Deimata: What about horror movies? Still big with the kids?
    Bob: No, it's all gross-out comedies now. But vampires are in!
    Deimata: Ooh! Well, that's promising.
    Theodosia: Except they're... romantic vampires who fall in love.
    Deimata: [disgusted] Eugh! We've got work to do.
  • Bob's attempt at complimenting Deimata falls flat:
    Theodosia: "You been working out?" Your brain is made of straw.
    Bob: Well surprise! So's the rest of me.
  • Henry's monster, Bob the scarecrow, begging him to be scared of it. Especially the part where he's walking away and the monster calls out "I can be scarier." It's so pathetic, but hilarious too.
  • "Who're you calling dorkenstein... dorkenstein?" at the end. Henry is definitely facing his fear, but he REALLY needs to work at it.
    • And it might be funnier that the jock was actually bemused by the response.
