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  • The new head of the Colosseum awkwardly explains they've had a change in management, in true Black Comedy fashion (reminiscent of Phone Guy from Five Nights at Freddy's).
    Now I know you're thinking "This isn't going to be easy..." And you're right. It's not. But you know, it could be worse. It really could be. You actually came at a good time. I know it doesn't seem like there's a "good time" to come here and be forced to fight in a colosseum. And that's true. That's not a good time. That's never a good time. BUT... Relatively speaking, this actually is a good time to be here.
    We have... undergone some big changes. You may have heard, actually... Harker... Yeah, he's not with us anymore. He had kind of a penchant for... uh, well... I guess the best way to put it would be "Rape."
    Well, I want you to rest easy. I do not condone rape. I do not support rape at all. I've never raped my friends... or anyone that I know... And I don't plan to rape anyone in the immediate future. I'm a feminist! Women, I think, deserve... are entitled to be treated with the same respect and dignity that a man who is a prisoner with no rights deserves. And there's just no call for rape. It's just not needed. I don't personally see the point of it. Now Harker... he was big into rape. He was weird about it. And if you were here two months ago... you'd probably be getting raped right now.
    But, may I point out... you are not being raped right now. There's no one bending you over a table while your friend watches. That's not happening. Could it be happening? Yeah... but it's not.
    All in all... you're not doing too bad. You're at a colosseum... you're not being raped... As I said, you've come at a good time.
  • Bernadette's father promises to quit drinking and will visit her in Eschelon. Once she's left:
    Well, when I said I'd quit, I really did mean it... I'm definitely going to quit! And what better day than tomorrow to quit! Today I'll celebrate! [downs the bottle]
  • Maytag prepares to leave the Dark Cell, and notices everything looks normal now.
    Black Hole Cat: The Darkstorm warps your perception. It's only when standing next to Eye can you perceive this hallway normally.
    Maytag: ... But since Eye is moving now... What is it like for people on the outside?
    Black Hole Cat: ...
    • Cut to Corono, outside the entrance to the Dark Cell.
      W-what's going on? Why do I suddenly feel as if I'm inside...?! I'm clearly on the outside... Why does it feel like the Dark Cell is overflowing''...?!


  • The Chistmas 2022 is an It's a Wonderful Plot after Maytag gets bored and wonders what would happen if she killed herself. Her guardian angel explains that if she was never born, Crest would be a chain smoker because she never stopped him from smoking his first cigarette, which she doesn't remember doing. And Bernadette would be an alcoholic, to which Maytag points out Bern already drinks heavily. And Polly would be a goth, which isn't a bad thing and is exactly what she looks like anyway. And Echelon would be an industrial slum, something that could not possibly have anything to do with Maytag.
