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Funny / Dungeons & Dragons (1983)

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Valley Of The Unicorns

  • When the kids sic Venger on Kelleck, Bobby really sells it with a sing-song "Someone's getting in trouble!"

In Search Of The Dungeon Master

  • In "Search for the Dungeon Master," Presto demands of his hat something to stop a charging monster. His hat produces a Stop Sign. Presto's sheepish grin as he plants the sign and runs away sells it.

Beauty And The Bogbeasts

  • In the end, Eric has cured his forced transformation into a hideous Bogbeast by electing to remain in the Realm. The other Bogbeasts have this to say to him:
    Bogbeast: "We come to thank great leader, and to say we sorry."
    (The other Bogbeasts murmur in agreement.)
    Eric: "Sorry? Because I didn't make it home?"
    Bogbeast: "No, because you turned so ugly!"
    (All the Bogbeasts laugh uproariously, and Eric's friends join in the laughter as well.)

The Lost Children

  • When Eric learns that the titular children mature into the very bestial looking Alfor, "You guys grow up to be Wookies?"
  • Sheila tricks a couple of lizard men into trapping themselves.

The Girl Who Dreamed Tomorrow

  • Quite a few from the first half of "The Girl Who Dreamed Tomorrow."
    • First, Eric, in a panic over the Bullywugs, tries to warn his friends, while they ignore him, resulting in him grabbing and shaking a Lizard Man to try to get his point across, only to realize a moment later who he was talking to.
    • Sheila then volunteers to retrieve him from the Bullywugs and Lizard Men, all of who are fighting over who gets to capture him. Invisible, she slaps a Lizard Man on the ass, and then calmly retrieves Eric, still gibbering, from the ensuring chaos.

The Treasure Of Tardos

  • When Dungeon Master tells them there is great danger ahead, Eric can only reply, "What now, Oh Terrible Tour Guide?"

Day Of The Dungeon Master

  • Facing off against Venger, Eric attempts to make a Badass Boast, telling old hornhead, "Only one of us will survive this, and it's not going to be me!"
  • There's just something amusing about seeing Eric, now more comfortable with his new powers, casually zapping the tentacles that are trying to drag their boat under.

Child Of The Stargazer

  • Eric pulls a Well, Excuse Me, Princess! on Bobby after telling the pint-sized Barbarian that Uni is off hanging with Kosar.
  • Eric and Bobby tell Kosar that taking out the Demon will be a piece of cake, and that the Queen will probably thank them. Kosar then explains that the Queen IS the Demon.
    Eric: Hold the cake.
  • Eric points out to Hank that even if Diana and Kosar can see his flares, they'd have no way of signaling back, and then rebukes Presto for pulling a map of Pittsburgh from his hat. The others, tired of his negativity, ask him what he thinks they should do. He fumbles for a second, then gives us this gem:
    Eric: WHY ARE YOU BUGGING ME! ASK HIM! (points offscreen to reveal Dungeon Master, who wasn't there a second ago.)

The Dungeon At The Heart Of Dawn

  • The beginning of "Dungeon at the Heart of Dawn" includes a common background shot of Hank and Sheila leaning against each other. But this time, when she sees a falling boulder apparently crush Bobby, a frantic Sheila jumps up and runs off... and poor Hank topples over.

The Winds Of Darkness

  • In a scene often quoted by the Game Grumps, when the main characters arrive in the D&D world, the man they meet says "ranger, wizard, and... acrobat."
    • And when he says "thief!", stating one character's new class, the newly-minted thief says "What?" and people shout "GET HIM!"
