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Funny / Didn't I Say to Make My Abilities Average in the Next Life?

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    Both Light Novel and Anime 

    Light Novel 
  • Mile's first attempt at hunting. She spots a big bird in a tree and tries to knock it down with a rock. The shockwave scares all other animals away for half an hour, and all that's left of the bird and the tree is a stump covered in blood and feathers, thus teaching Mile to stick to tiny pebbles.
  • Go read Episode 3's fight with the leader. Well, in the LN...he actually fights Mile. Fortunately, he's more friendly...which means Mile has a RIDICULOUS fight. Which ends with a wrestling style. "Okay, I need you to beat me." The only reason she makes it out? She prepared a 'sacrifice' by training someone ELSE to look awesome.
    • Said 'sacrifice' then two-shots an A-rank hunter.
  • Mile reveals she has five whole rock lizards in her storage, and the guild master demands an immediate interview to confirm if this is true. When she says it was a lie the assistant sighs with relief as no one could have that kind of storage capacity, then immediately slams his head hard against the table as she corrects the number to twenty-six, which is actually a lie (due to Pauline's idea).
    • This is not the first time she did as such, she also had everyone headbanging when she casually revealed everything she could do as a guild member. (Which was WAY beyond F-rank, which she applied for)
  • In Volume 3, Mile and Reina found out Lenny's secret.... to the point that Mile has no mood to tell her 'folktale' stories.
  • Anytime that Mile tells her 'folktale' stories to the Crimson Vow. However, those stories are actually tall tales that she made up. (E.g: "Cindeadrealla & Little Red Riding Tooth) In later volumes, she even use an alias 'Miami Satodele'note  so she could publish her stories, which was very popular among the readers including Reina.
  • Marcela's invitation to the second prince's birthday celebration. By this point she's gone from desperate to find a good future husband to avoid something bordering on human trafficking to struggling to turn down the incessant flood of proposals and courtship attempts from high-ranking suitors across the country and neighboring lands. But she can't turn down an invitation from the king, despite the fact that at her rank the most she could hope to be is a temporary lover for the prince. She struggles to keep a low profile only to be dragged around by the prince, then accidentally saves the day using gravity magic that by modern thought shouldn't exist, and even tries to dodge the attention with a speech praising the prince's actions that instead rocks the court with her astounding insight. By the next day, she finds she's invited to various events with the first prince, the second prince and even the king and queen themselves. All her friends can say is "you reap what you sow".

Despite starting off differently from the Light Novel and Manga, you could expect a lot of anime Shout-Out and wackiness.

Episode 1

  • The leader of the bandit group, Arledy's reason for kidnapping children: She just adores them and wanted to keep it for herself including the fact they're flat-chested like Mile and Reina. This somehow triggers Mile's Berserk Button.

Episode 2

  • Mile was up against Moob, a veteran hunter during training. She intends to lose to him on purpose until Moob mocks her and intends to fight someone with bigger boobs than a flat board girl. This triggers Mile's Berserk Button and knocks him out in one hit; she later berates him regarding her chest size.
  • Alone, Mile decides to craft a Nendoroid of her friend Marcela, calling it Marcelina. After completing it, she decides to tell it that she wanted a normal life with a chant... that is until Pauline shows up.
  • The entire scene where Mile trains Mavis. It really must be seen, as Mile inexplicably dresses up as Master Roshi as a reference to Dragon Ball, and proceed to parody a number of cliche anime Training Montage sequences whilst donning the aforementioned character's likeness.

Episode 3

  • After Reina, Pauline, and Mavis utterly destroy three B-rank adventurers when they were technically supposed to just be C-ranks, Mile faces their leader, presumed to be the strongest of the party. Before the match even begins, he silently runs out of the arena as fast as he possibly can with a terrified expression.
  • The quartet's Super Sentai introduction to the school after the battle as Crimson Vow, complete with colored smoke bursts behind them (that are even seen in another perspective).

Episode 5

  • After Reina tells her past, Pauline and Mile's reaction is to just say that they see. When Reina complains, Pauline says would Reina rather they react like that while pointing over to Mavis bawling her eyes out over the story.

Episode 10

  • When Nano asks Mile if she can think of any reason the group is suddenly avoiding and excluding her, we cut to a montage of her eating Pauline's secret stash of sweets, measuring Reina's chest in her sleep (and casting a sleep spell when she wakes up), and then reading Mavis' diary, also in her sleep. This is just after she said she thought spying on her friends would be an invasion of privacy.
