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Funny / Blasphemous

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For all the darkness and horror in a game like Blasphemous, there is some humor to be found, as well. Even if much of that humor is of the black kind.

  • The Penitent One heals by smashing a vial of holy bile in his face and using it to draw the game's Arc Symbol on his helmet. Pretty badass... unless you're having to heal due to bad platforming or other dumb mistakes, in which case the context makes it look like the Penitent One is facepalming in embarrassment.
  • The Sanguine Fountains are used to obtain more bile flasks by finding empty ones and then paying to fill them from the fountain. While the bleeding statue iconography is appropriate to the theme and setting, the fact the statue is surrounded by what appears to be a bathtub begs the darkly comedic comparison of throwing money into a bloody bathtub to fill up your flask.
  • Some of the finishers are so brutal they jump right around into being hysterical.
  • One set of rooms in the Mother of Mothers area contains an enormous, swinging censer that damages literally anyone it hits. The only enemies in these rooms are Hoppers, which crouch down when idle and leap to attack when the Penitent One draws near. While their idle stance is low enough that the censer won't normally hit them, the Penitent One could bait the Hoppers into leaping at him at the wrong moment, only for the censer to sweep them away.
    • There is also a corpse on the right side of the room. If you talk to it using a relic, it will lament that the damn thing just won't stop swinging.
  • Some of the Bones... I mean "collectables", count too. And of course in true fashion with some religions, most of them use Black Comedy.
  • The very existence of the Librarian enemy type. It's kind of funny that, among all the other grotesque and terrifying enemies he encounters on his travels, one of the threats to the Penitent One's life is an angry librarian hucking a book at him like a boomerang. Even funnier is that the Librarian is an Underground Monkey of the horrifying-looking, sawblade-throwing Sagittal Martyr enemy — and of the two, the Librarian is the more dangerous one!
  • Some of the achievements also count.
    • The Achievement you get for beating Ten Piedad, whose name in Spanish means "Have Mercy"? "No Mercy".
    • The Achievement you get for beating Our Lady of the Charred Visage? "Face Off".
    • For Chrisanta, we have "Faith Off".
  • The trailer for Screaming Sinners mode, released April 1st, 2021. In this (fake) game mode, the Miracle has heard your cries for mercy from the game's most implacable enemy — its Spikes of Doom — and has answered those prayers in its usual manner: by covering literally every surface of every level in spikes.
    • There’s a brief shot of the inventory, in which the Penitent One is apparently carrying dozens of an item called Painful Thorny Thing. The name alone is hilarious, but the description takes the cake.
    Bead braided in a spiral motion, covered with thorns and pointy ends. It brings misery and pain to whoever carries it. Why are you carrying it?
  • Happening upon Alcazar of Grief is rather amusing: an arcade machine tucked away in a hidden room, which you can put 2500 Tears of Atonement into to play an 8-bit arcade style platformer version of Blasphemous.
  • After defeating the final boss Deogracias will meet the Penitent One and give an expository speech ruminating on the end of his quest and the mysteries of the Miracle, all while he stands in humbled reverence at the base of the Cradle of the First Miracle... and occasionally just scratches at his crotch nonchalantly.
