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Funny / Batgirl (2009)

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  • Stephanie's crush on the detective:
    Batgirl: (As she swings by Gage and Gordon, giving Gage a smile and a small wave) "Hey, you!"
    Detective Nick Gage (Off Commissioner Gordon's look) "What?"
    Commissioner Gordon: "'Hey, you'?"
    Gage: "No one raises an eyebrow when you talk to Batman."
    Gordon: "I'm pretty sure Batman's legal, detective."
    • Upon meeting Gage in her civilian identity, she's even more Adorkable than usual, including having "inner monologue issues." Afterwards, she refers to herself as "Dork Knight."
  • If there is an interaction between Batgirl and Robin, this is bound to happen.
    Stephanie: Everything doesn't have to be about fear. There's room in our line of work for hope, too
    Damian: I don't understand.
    Stephanie: Of course you don't, you're ten! Now stop looking at my chest.
    Damian: What "chest"?
    Stephanie:(stomps off): ...hate...
  • Another instance:
    Batgirl: O? If I fight back, is that considered "child abuse"?
    Robin: ...Have at thee, wench...
    Oracle: This is not going to end well...wait did he just switch to pirate?
    Batgirl: I think it's more...musketeer?
  • After breaking up the above fight, Dick reminisces with Barbara about the days when the two of them used to fight as Batgirl and Robin. They quickly back away from the comparisons, given the implications.
    • Also, this one:
    Red Robin: Dammit. [sigh] I need your help.
    Stephanie: Pwned!
    Red Robin: I don't think that's how you say that.
  • They can work together sometimes, though. Such as when they go to interrogate Jordanna, and play "Bad Cop, Worse Cop."
    Batgirl: I'm more of a punch first, ask questions later kind of gal. My friend here is a stabber.
  • In issue 8 Steph joins those who accuse Tim's current costume of ripping off Doctor Mid-Nite. Then in a Call-Back, the actual it seems Dr. Midnite comes by in the final issue and advises the doctors at Mercy West how to treat Batgirl's Black Mercy poisoning with his medical expertise. As he's not seen on panel it's entirely possible this was actually Tim just giving up and letting the hospital staff mistake him for the older hero.
  • Stephanie's abridged version of the Batfamily history, especially Tiny!Bruce screaming "VENGEANCE".
  • The interactions between Stephanie and Kara are pure comedic gold:
    Batgirl: [While being strangled by Dracula] Hopefully you won't hold this against me.
    Supergirl: That's what she said.
    Batgirl: You're funny.
    Supergirl: I try.
  • The sheer fact of Batman (even if it is Dick rather than Bruce) saying "pretty please."
  • At one point, Steph fights a being she believes to be Amazo, and asks what happens if it starts copying her. Barbara drily notes that unless it starts cracking wise and accidentally exploding people, they can rest assured it's not.
  • One story begins with Stephanie in a state of intense concentration, eyes narrowed, laser-like focus, no margin for error, unsure how she's going to make it out. She's playing Ping-Pong.
  • At one point, Steph accidentally hits Tim in the face with an elbow strike. He ruefully notes that it's better than a brick.
  • Barbara and Dick agree that since they're taking turns using the Batcave, they'll get Alfred on alternate weekends.
  • Stephanie asks if her new Batsuit has an inbuilt music player. Barbara tells her she'll just have to hum.
  • Following her freezing Clayface with an ice-arang, Steph tells Gage that the quip is all up to him.
    Gage: Um...freeze!
    • She holds up her hand for a high-five, which, to her disappointment, he doesn't grant.
  • Steph calls her staff a boomstick. Partially because it's a reference to Army of Darkness, and partially because she shouts "boom!" when she hits people (or training droids) with it.
    • Said training droids are also programmed to spout fortune cookie aphorisms in the middle of combat. Barbara was eating Chinese takeout with Stephanie when she programmed them, so...
