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Fridge / With This Ring

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Fridge Brilliance:

Fridge Horror:

  • Word of God is that during the events of Displaced, if a pregnant woman gave birth, the newborn would immediately be transported to the child world, where they will most likely die in minutes.
  • Sabbac I wants to be a villain because it's the only thing that he thinks could justify all the horrible things he's gone through.

Fridge Logic:

  • Why doesn't OL give Alan the Danner Formula if he doesn't want Alan to grow old and die? Word of God is that the only way OL can get the Danner Formula to work in adults is by injecting it through his ring. Since OL can't heal him because Alan is largely infused with Green Light, that option is currently off the table.
  • "Red Star" wouldn't name himself that in universe because Star is a female noun in Russian and sounds similar to the Russian word for vagina.
  • Robin was unable to control himself when using an orange power ring because he's used to ignoring the things that he wants for a greater good, and using an orange ring requires that you do just the opposite.
  • Superheroes could legally work if they were treated more like police officers, giving them the legal protection that cops have when they are forced to use lethal force.
  • Teth Adom is probably on board for fighting Dr. Fate because he can relate to someone who's forced to watch as someone else pilots the body he inhabits.
  • As far as Fire knows, she's on a double date with the world's greatest Peeping Tom, which is why she's so angry at Paul.
  • Lynne's attitude towards the Renegade is only natural considering that, after everything she's been through, he's possibly the first positive experience she's ever had.
  • It sort of makes sense for Ambush Bug to dislike Paul. This is because, from his perspective, Paul is a Marty Stu.
  • It's possible that the orange ring made Paul less likely to notice others' interest in him.
  • As Paul points out, there's absolutely no reason for a clone of Hitler to actually BE Hitler, especially since the plans to raise the man into Hitler's successor fell through. Now he's just some guy who happens to have famous genetics.
  • There is a thematic link between Paul, and the people that Future Orange Lantern visits in Fool's Canon.
  • Nabu may be acting the way he is due to insanity.
  • Nabu may be more concerned with maintaining the status quo than doing good.
  • Back in Belle Reve when M'gann said her uncle Ma'al taught her a telepathic trick, which should be impossible since she later states that he was born with no telepathic abilities, she actually meant one of his pets that could do it.
