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Film / The 11th Hour (2014)

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Theatrical release poster.

The 11th Hour (otherwise known as I Am Here) is a 2014 drama film starring Kim Basinger. It was written and directed by Anders Morgenthaler.

The plot follows Basinger as successful Hamburg-based businesswoman, Maria, who is unhappy being childless. After suffering a miscarriage, Maria is informed that she can never bear a child due to her advanced age.

Soon, Maria checks into a rumor about prostitutes in Eastern Europe selling their newborns for money. As Maria searches for a woman who could sell her a baby, she digs herself deeper into the dark world of prostitution and human trafficking. She eventually, also finds herself in a confrontation with a brutal Russian criminal (Peter Stormare).

This film contains examples of:

  • Sanity Slippage: Maria begins to lose her grip on reality when she starts hearing the voice of her unborn child.
  • Recruiting the Criminal: After reaching the German-Czech border, Maria meets Petit, a drug-addicted dwarf, who frequents the local prostitutes. She hires him to find her a prostitute who's willing to sell her a baby for 10 grand.
  • Thanks for the Mammary: About 15 minutes into the film, Maria opens her shirt, exposing her breast and squeezing her nipple to express milk for a miscarriage.
