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Fanfic / Yet Another My Hero Academia Self Insert Fic

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Yet Another My Hero Academia Self Insert Fic is a My Hero Academia self-insert comedy fic written by Nightspawn_Son_of_Luna on Archive of Our Own. The fic is a parody of Self Insert Fics, and to some degree My Hero Academia fanfiction in general, in a manner similar to what Scream did for the horror genre.

The story focuses on an unnamed male who is reborn under the name Stephen Springs, and his various antics as he goes through well tread ground. At his side is his best (and basically only) friend Minoru Mineta.

Yet Another My Hero Academia Self Insert Fic contains yet another example for the following:

  • Adaptational Early Appearance: Shinsou was a childhood friend of Springs and Mineta. In canon, he didn't show up at all until the Sports Festival Arc.

  • Adapted Out: As in most My Hero Academia self-insert fics, Springs takes the spot of a canon character in Class 1-A. However instead of Mineta, it's Ojiro.

  • Alliterative Name: In addition to the examples in canon, Stephen Springs.

  • "Die Hard" on an X: Lampshaded in chapter 14, the chapter based on My Hero Academia: Two Heroes where Springs chose Die Hard as the in-flight movie during the flight to I-Island.

  • Politically Incorrect Hero: Downplayed for the most part, but invoked by the occasional perverted comment or Non PC joke, likely the result of a sense of humor influenced by Ghost Stories.

  • Putting on the Reich: Discussed when Springs gives a "Javoll Mein Fueher" to Iida in chapter 5 as a way of commenting on Iida's dictatorial nature.

  • Reference Overdosed: Springs is a huge fan of various media, especially superhero movies, so much so that the author had started citing references by chapter 14.

  • Retirony: Discussed by Springs when Shigaraki turns one of the unnamed villains to dust during the USJ Attack in chapter 12. Referred to as Unnamed Thug #34, Springs thinks he was likely one week from retirement.

  • Take That!: Springs suggests that Gentle Criminal sell his bathwater, a reference to the Belle Delphine Bathwater meme, an idea which Gentle Criminal is completely opposed to.
