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Fanfic / Quirk: Bio-Virus

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Sometimes life has a way of playing its hand. For one Izuku Midoriya, life has a massive hand to play. With a powerful Quirk, five wards to care for, and of course, being one of the most powerful vigilantes in existence.

Quirk: Bio-Virus is a My Hero Academia Fanfic written by Void_Progenitor. It details the events surrounding Izuku's rise as a powerful vigilante, his role as a teaching assistant, and of course, his care for five girls who desperately crave the love and care they want.

The fic can be found here.

Quirk: Bio-Virus contains the following tropes:

  • Abusive Parents:
    • The Togas were probably even worse than canon.
    • David Shield was more driven into his work, and largely negligent of his daughter's state.
  • Adaptational Angst Upgrade:
    • Momo was either kidnapped from her parents or sold to the MLA by her parents before Izuku rescued her, rendering her suffering from severe insecurities and confidence issues.
    • Ochako lost her parents in a freak construction accident and was routinely beaten up by either her kidnappers or new foster family before being rescued by Izuku. She is heavily prone to panic attacks.
    • Himiko's Quirk Suppression was even worse than canon, resulting in her going animalistic before being found by Izuku.
    • Mei is heavily touch-starved and desperately craves affection.
    • Melissa was bullied and teased for wanting to be a Quirkless hero, then mocked for not staying on the path she originally wanted to go down. She wears makeup to hide her scars so that no one notices before Izuku removed those scars.
    • Reiko loses her parents in a hate terrorist attack, has her apartment burned down, loses an eye and is heavily crippled. Fortunately, Izuku repairs the damage to her body, but she is left as a ward of UA.
  • Adaptational Explanation: In canon, One for All was assumed to be impossible to take due to its inherent nature. Here, Izuku explains that One for All, like his Quirk, Bio-Virus, is a compound Quirk, and since All for One can give and take one Quirk at a time, two quirks that merge perfectly are very much something he can't take.
  • Adaptational Relationship Overhaul: In canon, Ochako was Izuku's closest friend and love interest, Mei was his support item and costume designer, Momo was one of his classmates, Melissa was someone he could easily relate to, and Himiko was an enemy. Here, all five of them are deeply close to Izuku due to his caring demeanor for the five, the tags implying they're also future love interests.
    • Midnight and Present Mic's relationship is a lot rockier compared to canon over what happened to her brother and his family.
  • Adaptational Superpower Change:
    • Instead of One for All, Izuku has a Quirk that produces an airborne virus, before All for One merged biomass manipulation to create Bio-Virus.
    • Ochako's Zero Gravity Quirk is more gravity manipulation.
    • Himiko's Transform Quirk evolves to a minor vampirism Quirk.
    • Melissa had a quirk at birth that was located in muscle, heart, tendon, and bone marrow tissues, giving her the muscles and stamina of a super gymnast. It's also what causes Izuku to gently tell her that she cannot inherit One for All without causing her death, but assures her he'll train her to be a hero.
    • Momo's Quirk underwent numerous adaptations due to her time as an MLA prisoner.
    • Aizawa's Quirk is mutated thanks to Izuku manipulating his nerves to remove the dry eye aspect.
  • Adaptational Villainy: The HPSC of Japan is planning a coup on the Japanese government to seize total control of all of Japan, and Nezu's job is to stop it. Enlisting the help of the most powerful vigilante in existence is a major factor.
  • The Atoner: Minoru Mineta ratted out all but his aunt (who was probably the only good person in his family), and wants to become a hero to atone for letting his family influence him into what he was in canon.
  • Berserk Button:
    • Don't say the girls under his care should be in a mental hospital. When All Might suggests this, Izuku freezes him in place and threatens that if he tries to do it behind his back, he'll make sure All Might wish he died from All for One.
    • While agreeing to the deal with Nezu, he warns Nezu that if anything bad happens to them, he will blow the whole school to smithereens.
  • Blood Knight: Throughout Nezu's attempts to change the curriculum for the practical to make identifying Blood Knights easier, the school board would refuse to change it. Upon the removal of the obstacles and the changes being made, they are able to identify Bakugou as a Blood Knight very easily by his cruel punishment on a Villain Bot.
  • Cooldown Hug: Constantly given to those who need it, ranging from Izuku's wards to Midnight.
  • Death by Adaptation:
    • Inko and Hisashi were killed by All for One due to the latter being on his bad side.
    • Ochako loses her parents in a freak construction accident.
    • Reiko's parents are killed in a hate terrorist bombing.
  • Exact Words: Izuku offers him two files for Nezu to choose from. One containing the blackmail material to force the UA board to give him what he wants, and the other to put certain board members behind bars. Nezu picks the latter and Izuku casually opens the former's folder and puts the blackmail material in the latter folder as well. Seeing the Principal's curiosity, Izuku said that he was given a gift. He didn't say it would be only one file.
  • Eye Scream: Reiko loses an eye to a hate terrorist attack. Izuku is able to repair the damage to her eye.
  • Group Hug: When Melissa has an emotional breakdown when Izuku shows care and concern for her and exhausts herself, she never noticed Ochako, Himiko, Momo and Mei join Izuku in giving her a Cooldown Hug.
  • Living Emotional Crutch: Izuku is this to the girls under his care. Without him, they'd be abused, mistreated, abandoned, or enslaved by various villain groups like the MLA.
  • Mundane Utility: When Izuku wakes up trapped under a pile of girls, he uses his power to switch out places with a replica of himself.
  • Persona Non Grata: Threatened to be invoked. When Iida tries to chastise Mei for bringing in support items, Izuku shuts him down and warns him if he continues acting like he is now, his application to UA will be revoked, and if he tried to sabotage Mei, he would ensure Iida would never get a job in heroics.
  • Point of Divergence:
    • All For One attacked the Midoriyas when Izuku was five, killing the parents as well as several people Hisashi was meeting with, while giving Izuku a compound Quirk.
    • When encountering Aizawa, Izuku forced a Quirk evolvement, allowing Aizawa to be far more proficient with his Quirk, as well as removing his dry eye.
    • When Iida calls out Izuku (who is a teaching assistant) and Present Mic for inaccurate information and standing there, Izuku gives Iida a dressing down by telling him that by interrupting the meeting, he had effectively sabotaged the information-gathering process, which was the number one cause of Hero deaths. When Iida tries to criticize Mei for having support gear, Izuku warns him that if he keeps this up, his application to UA will be revoked, and if he tried to sabotage Mei, he would ensure he is Persona Non Grata in heroics.
    • The changes to the practical exam make identifying Blood Knights easier, with Aizawa, Izuku and All Might showing disdain at Bakugou's barbaric display on a villain bot while the UA staff were horrified.
  • Poor Communication Kills: As Izuku tells Iida and the audience, one of the leading causes of hero fatalities is a lack of information, misinformation, or malinformation. By Iida's interruption, the audience would not get all the information they need, which, in a real-life situation, could prove fatal to them.
  • Related in the Adaptation: Midnight is Izuku's aunt here, being the sister of Hisashi. The moment she sees her nephew, she is given a Cooldown Hug while crying Tears of Joy.
  • Shout-Out: Aizawa's mutated Quirk basically gives him the Sharingan from Naruto.
  • Villain Killer: From Izuku's own words, he killed 3,016 criminals, saving millions in the process.
