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Fanfic / Iron Hero 7

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Iron Hero 7 is an Iron Man and Big Hero 6 crossover story by Epiclot214. In it, Tony Stark is a teenager, whose father dies in the SFIT fire. Meeting Hiro, they team up to stop the man behind it.

  • Age Lift: Like in Iron Man: Armored Adventures, Tony is a teenager in this fic, though otherwise the story takes little from that particular series.
  • Blackmail: Tony manages to get Krei to accept help from Stark Industries in rebuilding his company, becoming a subsidiary in exchange, by threatening to expose his role in Silent Sparrow if he refuses. Tony later notes that since Krei knew about their identities as the heroes who stopped the attack, and was probably going to blackmail them himself, they're just beating him to the punch.
  • Canon Welding: The realm that Abigail was trapped in is now the Negative Zone.
    • In this universe, Krei and Silent Sparrow are connected to A.I.M.
  • Cassandra Truth: Even with Happy's testimony, the cops don't believe Hiro or Tony about their encounter with Yokai at the warehouse.
  • Chronic Backstabbing Disorder: Stane encourages Callaghan to steal the Arc Reactor so he can gain use it for his own gain, going against Howard's wishes, and then betrays Callaghan in order to "save the day" and get the military to buy "his" armor.
  • Engineered Heroics: Stane's new plan is to have Callaghan attack Krei like in canon, then swoop in and "save the day" with his Iron Monger armor.
  • Exact Words: When Krei is asked if he's told anyone about A.I.M. by Monica Rappaccini, he knows that she'll kill him if he tells her that Tony is on to him, so he just says, truthfully, that he didn't tell anyone, as Tony found out about the project on his own.
  • Fusion Fic: The story combines the San Fransokyo of Big Hero 6 with Iron Man's corner of Marvel.
  • In Spite of a Nail: Despite Happy backing them up, the cops refuse to believe Hiro and Tony's story about Yokai.
  • Police Are Useless: As in Big Hero 6 canon, the police don't listen to the boys about Yokai, even with Happy backing them up.
  • Properly Paranoid: Howard Stark, rightly not trusting Stane, hid a camera in his Stark Industries office, and while it's too late to benefit him the recording shows him and Callaghan making their deal.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: To stop Arthur Parks from escaping with High Voltage's orb, Tony fires a blast at it which causes it to explode and electrocute the former.
  • Wham Shot: In The Trouble With Karmi, Professor Grandville has a list of young people with high intelligence: Amadeus Cho, Peter Parker, Riri Williams, Leo Fitz, Jemma Simmons. And states that she hopes they can all work together well just like Hiro, Tony, and Karmi supposedly did.
  • Villainous Breakdown: Stane, his plans ruined, becomes determined to stop Tony from helping Baymax and Hiro from rescuing Abigail.
  • Villain Team-Up: Callaghan and Stane were working together, but Stane betrays the professor.
