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Drinking Game / The Next Food Network Star

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  • Take a sip every time there's an instance of Product Placement warning .
  • Take two sips if the judges try to pressure the contestants.
  • Take a sip whenever someone says the phrase 'star potential', two if it is not the the judges who say it.
  • Take a sip whenever Giada has an orgasmic like reaction to something.
  • Take a sip when a special guest shows up.
  • In season seven, take a drink whenever Penny says or does something bitchy.
  • In season twelve, take a drink whenever Tregaye says “on fleek,” “poppin’,” or “yas.”
  • Take a drink whenever Susie Fogelson urges a contestant to be more ethnic.
  • Take a drink whenever a contestant changes their culinary point of view.
  • Take two sips every time the judges emphasize "stories" over cooking ability warning .
