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Drinking Game / The Murderverse

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  • Take a shot every time the host is a Jerkass
  • Take a shot every time someone trips
    • Make it a sip if you're reading .EXE or Life's a Beach
  • Take a shot every time an innocent is knowingly voted out
    • Make it two if it's out of spite
    • Alternatively, take a shot every time an innocent is accidentally voted out because an important person came to the wrong conclusion and everyone jumped on a bandwagon
  • Take a shot every time someone dies a mundane death
  • Take a shot every time there is an absurd event in-game
  • Take a shot every time someone attempts suicide
  • Take a shot every time a joke character put in the game for shits and giggles becomes integral to the plot
  • Take a shot every time the host does something that is genuinely good
  • Take a shot every time someone made a typo but can't fix it due to the "No post editing" rule
    • Take two if they fix it with a double post
    • Take three if they fix it with three posts
    • Down the bottle if they use four or more posts to fix it
  • Take 2 shots if your favorite character is Evil All Along
  • Down the bottle if the innocents lose
    • Alternatively, down the bottle if the innocents won
  • Take a shot every time there is less than 4 survivors left
  • Whenever someone gets hammered, take a shot for each of the following:
    • It was less than two pages after the first vote for them.
    • It was the first wagon of the day.
    • They turn out innocent.
    • It ends the game.
    • And down the entire bottle if it's all of these things at the same time.
  • Down the entire bottle whenever someone "votes Mel"note , i.e when voting off an innocent really becomes a tipping point in the murderer's favor.
  • Down the bottle if the most suspicious person is actually good and the evil ones are ones nobody suspected.
  • Take a shot every time a character under the age of 18 is entered into a murdergame.
    • Take two if they're in the evil team.
  • Take a shot every time a Metal Gear reference is made.
  • When someone is having a conversation in a language you don't know, take a shot every time you close Google Translatenote  only to immediately open it back up as you realize the conversation is still ongoing.
  • Take a drink whenever a murderer somehow kills another murderer. Also take a drink if a murderer somehow kills themselves. Down the whole bottle, and then another one, if they manage to do both at the same time.
  • In games with Roll To Dodge elements, take a sip everytime a character's streak of lowest-number rolls or highest-number rolls increase in number (start with 3).
    • To lighten the load, stop drinking every time the streak breaks (via a roll that isn't the lowest or highest number).
  • Take a drink whenever an adorable character is entered.
  • Take a shot for every non-execution death that occurs in the day phase.
  • Take a shot whenever a character gets turned into food when murdered.
  • Whenever a killer gets voted out, take two shots if their breakdown portrays them as a Sympathetic Criminal, such as by being coerced.


  • Take a shot every time Caleb does something dickish
    • Take two shots if it involves eating rats
  • Take a shot every time Nagibaldi does something cursed
  • Take a shot for whenver Risdio picks a particularly rude or mean character
    • Take two shots for whenever he regrets it.
  • Take a shot when Florien accidentally or deliberately gets an innocent voted out.
  • Take a shot when wingedcatgirl enters a character who is either explicitly plural or a blatant plural metaphor.
    • Take two if this isn't revealed until several pages into the game.
    • Take another shot if they're a canon character and she's using applicability to write them this way
  • Take a shot every time Timeline Master Awe is referred to as something other than "Timeline Master Awe".
    • Take two if the nickname came from Stew
  • Take a shot whenever Dookie Idiot Nimrod picks a character from a children's cartoon.
  • Take a shot every time a character played by The Geek Artist 08 falls into a nearby body of water.
  • Take a shot whenever Oggy 123 enters a Kirby character.
  • Take a shot whenever another character makes an attempt to make sense of Google Translate's words.
