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Deleted Scene / The Hobbit

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The Hobbit, like The Lord of the Rings has plenty of scenes that are only found in the extended cuts (and not always).

An Unexpected Journey

  • The Goblin King sings the "Down in Goblin Town" scene.
  • It does appear that the film ends somewhat earlier than was initially intended before the third film was commissioned. The most prominent evidence is the toys that are available of Legolas and Tauriel, neither of whom appear in the first film, and specifically a Lego set based in Mirkwood containing those two characters. These scenes were possibly moved into the second movie in order to spread out the story more over the three installments.

The Battle of the Five Armies

  • Alfrid being killed off by being catapulted into the mouth of a troll. This scene was included in the extended edition.
  • According to the making-of book of the film, Radagast and Beorn were originally going to have much more screen time. Radagast featured a chase scene in his sled through Dol Guldur in order to evacuate Gandalf while the castle crumbled behind them; he then would have noticed Beorn being captured by some orcs, and he would have freed him before following with his mission, with Beorn escaping in bear form. Accordingly, those scenes were actually shot, being the reason why there is a Lego set of the film that shows Beorn being ambushed by two orcs in Dol Guldur, but sadly this footage wasn't included in the film's extended edition.
  • Gandalf asks a group of people "How shall this day end?"
  • There was a scene where Bilbo motivated Bard and Gandalf and planted his acorn to remind them to keep fighting, even though it looks like they are going to lose. It was filmed and nearly made it into both the theatrical and extended cuts but was lost among the ten minutes of footage that didn't make it due to both timing and Executive Meddling. This scene was released and can be viewed here.
  • A scene was shot with Dwalin desperately trying to reach Thorin as he fights Azog. He fails and breaks down when seeing his king and friend being killed.
  • One of the more prominent is the extended version of Thorin’s funeral, which has Gandalf make a full “Shakespearean” speech rather than just shouting “The King is dead!”
