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Creator / Keiko Nagita

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Keiko Nagita (名木田 恵子) is a Japanese author who wrote the novel would become the giant Candy♡Candy. Born November 28, 1949, she started when she was in the eleventh grade, received her first writing prize when she was 19, and wrote many shojo stories in the 1970s. Her Breakthrough Hit was the story Candy♡Candy, a tale about a free-spirited young lady named Candice "Candy" White, navigating life in early 20th-century America as an orphan adopted by a Big, Screwed-Up Family and the heartbreaks that follow her love life as she works towards attaining her dream.

Because Candy received Germans Love David Hasselhoff status in many countries, Nagita has made many appearances at cons and events, like in France. France was also the country where the final Candy chapter was written.

While she once loved talking about her breakthrough series, nowadays, talking about it "gives her a headache". From early 90s forward, Keiko Nagita and her illustrator Yumiko Igarashi kept arguing over who owned the rights to the Candy Candy title and have been arguing back and forth for ages. It's still on-going, and bringing it up to her in the current is considered very tone-deaf.

She has a husband and a daughter. She still writes stories to this day.

She has a site.

Works of Keiko Nagita

Tropes that apply to Ms. Nagita herself

  • Author Avatar: Candy White, a pretty, adorable girl fawned over by almost every boy she meets, and near beloved by everyone.
  • Foreign Culture Fetish: She loves Western Literature like The Secret Garden, Daddy-Long-Legs, Little Women and Anne of Green Gables, and was inspired to write a similar setting for Candy♡Candy.
  • I Have Many Names: Her long list of pen names include Ayako Kazu, Akane Kouda and Kyoko Mizuki.
  • Inspiration for the Work: Candy♡Candy was inspired by Anne of Green Gables by L. M. Montgomery.
  • Reality Subtext: Candy is based on her own trauma of losing her parents at a young age. According to "Interviews with Manga Authors" by Itou Ayako:
    "I lost my mother when I was 21, then I was all alone in the world. To write the story healed my sorrow"; "Before I wrote the story of Candy, one of what some decided was "Who is her mother is not the theme". Whoever are your parents, you must accept your destiny and stand on your own feet—-I wanted to say so. When I started to write the story, it was two years after my mother passed away. My father passed away at my 12th year, I lived in solitude because I am the only child of them. Looking back on my years of writing Candy story, I realize that I healed my pain by writing
  • Write Who You Know: The Andrews family were based on her own imaginary friends she made to console herself after her father died.
    Nagita: I feel Andrews family have watched me affectionately. They are the origin of my story writing.

Alternative Title(s): Kyouko Mizuki
