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Creator / Jubduk

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jubduk (yes, all lowercase letters) is a Finnish creator of YouTube Poop (or SinäTuubaPaska, to use the Finnish term), with a long and distinguished career. His main account was terminated in late 2018, but he is active on his secondary account jubistyle. He has also had a few other secondary accounts, most notably "ripu listi", which he used only to publish SinäTuubaPaska - Jonnepappa keulii mamman kolmipyörän lunastukseen that reached the number one spot on the monthly new STP top ten list.

jubduk's career started in the late 2000's. His earlier works were relatively similar to ones from other Finnish creators of the time, focusing on perennial sources such as Moomin (1990), Winnie-the-Pooh (and Disney cartoons by extension) and Alfred J. Kwak. As his career progressed, his videos started to have an end section where everything would start going absolutely nuts. A good example of this is the ending of Kohti otsonia from roughly 4:03 onwards. However, the relatively simple flipping the screen back and forth and messing with the hue and soundtrack eventually gave way to much more elaborate "crazy" edits. He also started using numerous different source videos in one poop, instead of just one episode or film, adding to the general craziness. The later videos jubduk has published often also contain weird elongated and/or fused-together beings and, well, things, that people like H. R. Giger might have approved of.

jubduk is arguably the most famous Finnish creator in the YTP community that has gained their following outside Finland solely through Finnish-language videosnote , aside from a single Wallace & Gromit poop in English. Quite often the comment sections of his videos have people saying that they enjoy watching them, even if they don't understand the language.

jubduk's works contain examples of:
