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Creator / Jo Walton

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Jo Walton (born December 1, 1964) is a Welsh fantasy and science fiction writer now living in Canada. Her novels include:

  • The King's Peace and The King's Name: Duology set in a fantasy world resembling Dark Age Britain, and featuring that world's equivalent of King Arthur.
  • The Prize in the Game: Another novel set in the same world.
  • Tooth and Claw: The novel Anthony Trollope might have written if he were a dragon. Winner of the World Fantasy Award in 2004.
  • The Small Change trilogy — Farthing, Ha'penny, Half a Crown: Detective novels set in an alternate history where World War II ended with Hitler still alive and in possession of most of continental Europe.
  • Among Others: 15-year-old Mori has recently lost her twin sister at hands of their mother, a powerful witch. She escapes into fiction and the dullness of her boarding school life, but the world of fairies and dangerous magic is always closer than is comfortable. Won the Nebula Award in 2011 and the Hugo Award in 2012.
  • My Real Children: A woman's life in two Alternate Timelines.

She has also written many short stories and poems.

Works by Jo Walton with their own trope page include:

Jo Walton's other works provide examples of:

  • Fantastic Religious Weirdness: "When we were robots in Egypt"
  • Fantasy Contraception: Lifelode is about the god of marriage trying to introduce exactly the same kind of fantasy contraception that The King's Peace has.
  • For Want Of A Nail: The basis of My Real Children. The protagonist's choice about whether to leave a teaching job to marry her boyfriend not only affects her own life, but also the entire world: in the timeline where she stays there's a nuclear exchange, while in the one where she goes Britain is becoming a technologically advanced utopia.
  • Reality Is Unrealistic: She refers to it as "The Tiffany Problem", where Tiffany is a perfectly legitimate medieval name (a variant of Theophania) but it looks and sounds too modern for readers.
  • Religious Robot: Played with in "When we were robots in Egypt".
  • Rogue Drone: Hanethe in Lifelode, who used to be a part of the god of marriage until she disagreed with a decision and was kicked out.
  • So What Do We Do Now?: Portrayed with a vengeance in the short story "Relentlessly Mundane", fifteen years after four teenagers vanished and three returned after a year in a fantastical world. One character tries to be glad to return to normalcy, one decorates her space to be as close to the fantasy world as she can manage, and one carries a kit of things she'd need if she returns and lives a spare, spartan existence, just waiting. They decide that if they saved one world once, maybe they can still try to help this one.
