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Characters / Touken Ranbu Tsurugi

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Double-edged swords that have special powers to help his fellow teammates, but are slow and weak.
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    In General 
  • It Only Works Once: Hakusan's Shingi causes him to sustain third- to fourth-grade fatigue, making him unable to use it again for the entire run or any future run until he's fully recovered. If Hakusan is in the sakura fubuki state, he will be able to use it more than once, but no more than a maximum of three or four times. Averted with Shichiseiken, whose Shingi activates at the start of every battle regardless of his fatigue.
  • Mechanically Unusual Class: See directly above. Aside from the Shingi gimmick, this class is not very powerful as straight-up fighters since they're as slow as ōdachi, as weak as tantō and don't get buffed during night battles.
  • Support Party Member: What the Tsurugi will likely fill the role of being due to their ability to help the rest of the team and their tankiness.

     164 – Hakusan Yoshimitsu (白山吉光)

Rarity: Special (Basic/Toku)
School: Awataguchi (粟田口)
Voiced by: Hiro Shimono
Illustrated by: Nekokan Masshigura
I am, Hakusan Yoshimitsu. A tsurugi, forged by Yoshimitsu. I was a dowry present and also an object used to pray for happiness in the afterlife. I hope we get along well.

A tsurugi made by Kamakura Era smith Awataguchi Yoshimitsu. It was carried by Tokugawa Iemitsu's foster daughter Oohime when she was married to Maeda Mitsutaka, and was presented as an offering after her death. The blade developed godly qualities and Hakusan Yoshimitsu is said to now possess healing powers. Accompanying him is his companion, a white fox. He likes melon.

  • Animal Motifs: Like Kogitsunemaru and Nakigitsune, his motif is foxes.
  • Combat Medic: The only one capable of healing in battle with his Shingi skill. However, the skill does not work on himself, can only heal one teammate at a time, cannot restore him to full HP (but can revive him if KOed at 1HP), cannot revive the dead, only works when the recipient has sustained third-grade damage, and the caster hasn't sustained fatigue. This is likely to prevent him from being too overpowered.
  • Custom Uniform: His default outfit and casual outfit are both noticeably different from the outfits the other Awataguchi swords wear, as they both have wide Japanese-style sleeves.
  • Eyes Always Shut: His pet fox's eyes are always closed.
  • Healing Hands: He's currently the only sword who's capable of healing other swords.
  • Shoulder Pet: His pet fox stands on his right shoulder.
  • The Stoic: Certainly gives off this impression due to his speech and mannerisms. His expression doesn't even change when he's damaged.
  • Spock Speak: The way he talks borders on this, though he lampshades in a recollection with Ichigo Hitofuri that he’s aware that he can’t speak normally.
  • Trademark Favorite Food: Melon.
     206 – Shichiseiken (七星剣)
Rarity: Highest (Basic/Toku)
Voiced by: Reiji Kawashima
Illustrated by: Tanishiro (Nitroplus)
Beginnings are ends, ends are beginnings. With death engraved in my blade, I am the sword of the Big Dipper. What do you wish upon the constellations?

  • Commonality Connection:
    • He bonds with Kogarasumaru in a recollection due to their status' as the oldest swords in the game.
    • In Touken Camp, he seems to get along well with Mikazuki Munechika due to his being a sword with Cosmic Motifs. He even calls Mikazuki the moon during a conversation about shooting stars.
  • Consummate Professional: Unlike most of the swords who join the Citadel, he has no strong feelings for the Saniwa and regards his presence in the Citadel as a business contract that will be broken when he breaks in battle.
  • Cosmic Motifs: Owing to the fact that he has the Big Dipper engraved into his blade, he is associated with the cosmos and frequently mentions the constellations in his dialogue. He also has a starry sky pattern in the sleeves of his kimono.
  • Experience Booster: His Shingi boosts the Experience Points of other Touken Danshi in battle.
  • Hates Being Touched: He mentions that there isn't a clause for being touched in his contract if the player pokes him too many times.
  • Older Than They Look: He's unseated Kogarasumaru as the oldest sword in the game, but physically he doesn't appear to be that much older than anyone else. His Internal Affairs and Casual outfits make him look even younger.
  • Unlockable Content: Despite his high rarity, he was initially given out for free to players who cleared 6000 enemies during the Great Invasion event's run, which was a difficult but doable feat if you played regularly.
  • Uniqueness Value: He was the first non-Tachi to be added to the game as a 5-petal Highest rarity sword by default, owing to his status as a famous sword as well as one that predates all of the swords that currently exist in the game.
