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Characters / Three Souls

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The Protagonists

    In General 
  • Invisible to Normals: Nobody else outside of the trio can perceive or touch either Sothis, Yu, or Byleth when they are in their disembodied forms.
  • Psychic Link: The three protagonists all can hear each other - but not read each other's thoughts -, because they're sharing the same body. However, this barrier seems to break down they are all sleeping, as they see Yu's nightmares.
  • Sharing a Body: With Yu coming to reside in Sothis and Byleth's soul, he also shares Byleth's body. All three of them seem to be able to switch control, although only Yu has switched with him so far, and only for a few hours. A switch happens whenever they use a Divine Pulse.
  • Shared Dream: Yu's nightmares spill over when they all sleep.
  • Time Master: Thanks to Sothis powers, they can turn back time from a few seconds to several hours.
  • Waking Up Elsewhere: The story starts with the three protagonists waking up in Byleth and Sothis' mindscape. Byleth was in Enbarr several year into the future. Yu was pulled from his home universe.

Name: Byleth Eisner

Crest: Crest of Flames

Social Link: Aeon (to Yu)

  • Clueless Chick-Magnet: Downplayed, as only Dimitri has a clear crush on him (so far?). However, Byleth's genuine compliments regularly fluster the students, with the man as clueless to his own charm as he is to Dimitri's feelings for him.
  • Does Not Like Spam: Byleth regularly, but only his mind, proclaims his loathing of any kind of tea. Unfortunately, many of Garreg Mach's students love tea parties. And neither Sothis nor Yu share his distaste.
  • Emotionless Girl: Byleth has only recently started being able to process his emotions, so his lack of mimic and body language can make him look like a statue. He has only cried openly twice so far in his life, and the second time happened because Yu's nightmare and his resulting grief from that bled over. He also sobbed silently when hugging Jeralt, because his father had died in the previous timeline.
  • Foil: To Yu. Like him, he barely shows emotion if at all, and takes the oddest things seriously, to comedic effect or speaks with Brutal Honesty. His respective game starts with Byleth, who has been moving through Fódlan wit hihs father's mercenary group, entering a place (Garreg Mach) he's an outsider to, but where he quickly endears himself to the people around him and helps said people with their issues.
    • However, while Byleth doesn't possess much emotional maturity or social awareness, he's still a - if young - adult, who is a seasoned mercenary, and who regards his students with a warmth similar to that of a parent for their children. The reason he emotes so little is that the presence of Sothis' heart in his chest blocked his feelings until recently. So it's easy for him to keep his entire expression blank, but he also has little to no control over his feelings. This differs from Yu's deliberate masking that has a mundane origin. And while the events of the story take an emotional toll on him, he's surrounded by people he knows, in a world that is his own, and seeks comfort from others like his father who cares for him.
    • Like Yu, his presence affects the plot of his story because he was touched by a goddess who gave him special powers. But the why and how they received those powers differ greatly.
  • I Call It "Vera": He calls one specific dagger "Lila" that he treats like family.
  • I Need a Freaking Drink: How he deals when he has to drink tea - pour cidre into the cup until it destroys the taste of the tea.
  • Like Father, Like Son: Both he and Jeralt are emotionally restrained and don't show many feelings, even if for different reasons, but their smiles are similar. (Or so somebody told Byleth.) They also like to drink alcohol, have bad memory, and carry weapons they treat like family.
    • Byleth has gotten most of his looks from Sitri, his mother, especially his eyes.
  • Oblivious to Love: One of the story's running gags is that he doesn't realize that Dimitri has a crush on him.
  • When She Smiles: When he does, it's always genuine and looks beautiful.

Name: Sothis, the Beginning

Crest: Crest of Flames

Social Link: Judgement (to Byleth)

  • Little Miss Snarker: Sothis looks like a young girl, and always has a sharp or sarcastic comment ready.
  • Tsundere: For all of her sarcasm and short temper aimed at her headmates, Sothis genuinely loves and cares for Byleth. She quickly comes to feel the same for Yu, whom she recognizes as the child he is.

Name: Yu Narukami

Arcana: The Fool / 0

Social Link: The Fool (to Byleth)

  • Foil: To Byleth. Like him, he barely shows emotion if at all, and takes the oddest things seriously, to comedic effect or speaks with Brutal Honesty. His respective game starts with Yu, who has been moving from school to school in Japan because of his parents' works, entering a place (Inaba) he's an outsider to, but where he quickly endears himself to the people around him and helps said people with their issues.
    • Unlike Byleth, however, Yu is still a teenager (at most 17 years old), who never had any formal training in fighting or killed anybody before. His stoicism is grounded in the mundane - the lack of care from his parents contributed -, coupled with a control over which emotions he shows at any moment. He tries to hide how badly he's missing Inaba, and the terror and grief his last memories from before coming to Fódlan evoke in him. He also regularly ignores the offer to talk about his feelings.
    • Like Byleth, his presence affects the plot of his story because he was touched by a goddess who gave him special powers. But the why and how they received those powers differ greatly.
  • Make a Wish: Yu made a wish that somehow led to his soul being transported to Fódlan. However, he doesn't remember what he exactly wished for.
  • Past Experience Nightmare: Traumatic memories from investigating the Inaba murders haunt Yu in his dreams. He either won't or can't speak about these dreams, because they hurt too much, and tries to downplay their gravity around Byleth and Sothis.
  • Temporal Sickness: Using the Divine Pulse make him sick for yet unknown reasons. The further back time is turned, the more it affects Yu.
  • Trapped in Another World: As of now, he's stuck in Fódlan, a whole different world and universe away from home.
