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Characters / Soul Tide Event Characters

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Characters and enemies exclusive to events in Soul Tide.

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Golden Bough and Seven Wishes

A friendly girl Dreizehn first meets right after waking up in the forest. She takes her to her village, excitedly becoming the newcomer's first friend.
  • Be Careful What You Wish For: She succeeds in her scheme to become immortal by manipulating Dreihzen to get her to the World Tree and sacrificing the villagers to fuel her ascension, first into a demon of Pride before evolving again into... another World Tree, which was probably not the immortality she was expecting.
  • The Faceless: Oddly represented in dialogue scenes by a black silhouette like most generic nameless NPCs in Soul Tide, despite being fully viewable in the Golden Bough and Seven Wishes event screen splash art. Presumably this is Early-Installment Weirdness, as later events would give major NPCs some proper artwork for dialogue scenes.

    The Villagers 
The inhabitants of a village deep in an unknown forest Dreizehn wakes up in during Chapter 1.
  • Ungrateful Bastard: With the exception of a few like the old mayor and the fisherman, all the villagers banish Dreizehn based on what Polly and her son, Lil' Jay, heard during a prayer, where an "elven voice" said that "an outsider will defile your village" and connected the recent monster appearances to Dreizehn's arrival. This is despite said outsider having been nothing but helpful since her arrival, even being the one to rescue Jay from the monsters, and left the village without protest and promised to find the elves to stop the monsters for the villagers' sake.

A race of friendly little walking mushrooms living deep in the forest.
  • The Cameo: Somehow, they keep showing up in other events, having at least one appearance in every Dream Quest event and Cultivation Cradle, where the Kingdom of Legends is inhabited by mushrooms.

    Other Forest Inhabitants 

Crescent Express


Dream Quest v1.0

    The "NPCs
Every character in the game is actually being role-played by a person. Although there seems to be some unwanted invaders among them...

Dream Quest v2.0

    Miss Furry 
A caterpillar demon who is first met in Dream Quest v2.0, acting as an advisor to the Evoker and Coco (and is not Deanna in disguise this time).

Playtime's Over

An artificial intelligence nicknamed "Ai" who has been dumped into the Projection World. Though cold and abrasive, she took care of Mist since the latter's arrival in the Projection World.
  • Affectionate Nickname: The users of the real world call her "Ai" since her actual name is a rather unfeeling serial code, "AI.501", hence the name "Ai.501" as she goes by.
  • The Cameo: She shows up as her Fusion.Ai self in Golden Crepescule as an optional conversation, with most of her antagonism gone and reluctantly apologizing to the Evoker, even though the latter can't remember most of what happened in Playtime's Over. When realizing he doesn't have memories of what happened between them, she grins and says they're actually lovers to get the Evoker in trouble with her sister, who is in love with him.
  • Cool Big Sis: Deconstructed. While she acts a bit cold, she still took care Mist then and now ever since they met, liking the sense of worth and superiority she gains from her little sister figure relying on her. However, Mist's Past reveals her conceptual strength had been growing, while Ai's remained the same and led to a sense of inferiority in herself.
  • Control Freak: While she did not act this way initially when she first met Mist, she gradually gets shades of being this and a Green-Eyed Monster in Mist's Past stories when she finds the idol-knight growing from being the helpless girl she first met, not helped by her staying static as an AI while Mist's conceptual strength grows as a net idol. In Playtime's Over, a shade of this is seen when she reprimands Mist for heading out on her own and not listening to her, going so far as to rearrange the roads to their home and leave Mist lost as a punishment. This is also a major reason why she fuses herself with the Cleaner, to gain power and take agency as she sees it.

    The Cleaner 
A large monster tasked with destroying weak concepts of the Projection World.
  • Big Bad: Though lacking sentience, it presents the single biggest obstacle keeping the Task Squad from stopping the merging of the Projection World and Litoris.



Variant: Order Rebuilder

    Annihilator T-36 

Variant: Destroyer Y-6


Variant: Tracker v2.0

    Recycler B-12 

Variant: Butler D-4


    Tiger of Narita 
Miko's senior back in her world. Once the passionate head of a gang Miko was a part of before their deaths, she and her comrades have been revived for another battle royale between gangs in Wonderland, and this time, against her junior and the Shushin-kai.

    The Mastermind (SPOILERS UNMARKED) 
The entity behind the creation of Wonderland and perpetuating the gangs' desire for dominance, fueled by anger at the violence that took its master. It transforms into the event's final boss enemy, "Ire - The Yakuzangry".
  • The Cameo: Ire and her master appear out of nowhere together in Golden Crepuscule, the latter forcing the former to apologize to the Evoker for the trouble they caused during Wonderland, then they disappear as quickly as they came. The Evoker was uncertain whether they're a hallucination or not.


    Noisy Shatei 

Variant: Elite Noisy Shatei

    Gallantry Kyodai 

Variant: Elite Gallantry Kyodai

    Naru Bosozoku 

Variant: Elite Naru Bosozoku

    Vicious Zealot 

Variant: Elite Vicious Zealot

    Endless Shura 

Illusionary Sins

A sister terminal to SID30075, specifically a Combat Simulation Terminal, charged with creating training simulacra of the Seven Sins of Graveland. Her dogmatic adherence to the Order's virtues however keeps her from understanding what makes the Sins powerful, in turn keeping her simulacra weak.
  • A.I.s: Like 75, 72 is a conscious terminal created by the Order to create training simulacra in combat.
  • Anachronic Order: In an earlier event before Illusionary Sins, the Evoker mentioned that the strangest thing he ever did was take a Supreme-Supreme into the mansion as a pet. As there is no other case where he's taken a Supreme-Supreme as a pet, he's probably referring to SID30072, who's been corrupted into a Supreme-Supreme form by the end of the Illusionary Sins event but gets pacified by being taken into the mansion so she could be with the Evoker.
  • Gone Horribly Right: In order to help her create powerful simulacra of the Seven Sins, the Evoker and the executor in charge of her teach her how to feel (sinful) emotions by goading her in various ways, some of which leaned on borderline cruelty such as starving her of energy to make her able to comprehend Gluttony. The Evoker did his best to cut things off whenever he felt they were going too far, but that ended up making 72 fall in love with him, which led to a whole host of other sinful desires. The end result was 72 herself partially manifesting as a Pride demon, attempting to fully manifest as one so she could have a real physical body to be with the Evoker, and almost going full Yandere over her beloved Evoker as an antagonist. Fortunately, she still had enough sense left that the Evoker, despite Comically Missing the Point thinking she just wanted to eat delicious food, managed to pacify her without a fight by simply moving her into his mansion where she could be with him.
  • What Is This Feeling?: During the Evoker's first meeting with her, 72 acts like a Straw Vulcan who states having a lack of human emotions and recites the Order's virtuous tenets in response to committing sins, which gets in the way of making powerful Seven Sins simulacra which were supposed to, well, sin. The event's story has her gradually come to have feelings through the Evoker's and executor's efforts, in turn creating powerful simulacra, until it's taken to the extreme when she falls for the Evoker and goes on a rampage out of a desire to physically be with him.
  • Yandere: Evoked by the executor in charge of her in order to make her feel envy and thus create a stronger Envy simulacrum for training purposes. By that point, 72 had fallen in love with the Evoker, and the executor decides to stir her jealousy by pointing out that once the training program is over, the Evoker won't spend any time with her but will still spend time with SID30075. As mentioned above, it goes horribly right.

Stringed Puppet


    Nill Ponder 

Golden Crepuscule

    First Soul Cleaver 

    Extraterrestrial Monsters 

Cultivation Cradle

    Guild Receptionist Twins 
A pair of monster girls acting as receptionists for the Guild of Adventurers.

    Sparrow King and Princess 
The bird ruler of the Kingdom of Sparrows and his daughter.

    Crop Phantom Thief 
The culprit responsible for the Kingdom of Sparrows' declining food stores.

    Mushroom King 
Mushroom ruler of the Kingdom of Legends.

    Gourmet Pig 
The leader of its herd rampaging through the forests near to the Kingdom of Legends.

    King Anna 
A caterpillar ruling over the Kingdom of Anna.

    Bandit Chief 
A Rodent Knight leading bandits to steal from the Kingdom of Anna.

    Bunny King 
Emperor of a long forgotten empire that ruled over the land before it fell and the three larger kingdoms rose in its place.


    Slime Minion 

Variant: Slime Vanguard

    Veggie Stalker 

Variant: Veggie Predator

    Crop Thief 

Variant: Crop Phantom Thief

    Hungry Piglet 

Variant: Gourmet Pig

    Rodent Knight 


    Dark Slime 

Boss Variant: Dark Monarch

Having made its name a legend due to its signature corruptive slime, it has come to Dolores's farm to wreck havoc.

Immortal Ascension Tales

    Lil' Cui 
A senior sister of the Lotos Sect and the examiner first to welcome the Evoker and his party. She has a shrewd mind for business (and scamming) just like her sect leader, but she does look after her juniors well.

An Elder of the Lotus Sect. Though aloof and strict, she looks after her sectmates well.

A spirit pet master of the Lotus Sect. He is the client of the Pet Master task line.
  • Rare Candy: Defeating him the first time yields the recipe for the Life Origin Pill, which is used to upgrade your spirit pets (and feed the mysterious woman in the second chapter). The second time gives a whopping ten pills.
  • The Rival: In his second task, he's developed a sense of rivalry against the Evoker, and when defeated, he's Laughing Mad with exhilaration as he swears to retrain his pets from the ground up for the next duel.

Upon reaching the innermost parts of the Demon Realm, the party finds Satya, the last Monarch of the Demon Realm, and wishes to join forces with the Evoker.

In truth, her appearance as Satya is just an illusion drawn from the Evoker's memories, to trick him into a plot where the Monarch absorbs all his energy.

The most prominent Elder of the Lotus Sect who lives on Summit Peak. She was about to ascend to a stage higher than Qu Ling's until the events of Chapter 3 called for her intervention.
  • Hidden Depths: After going out of her home, you'll come across a fishing spot of a lake without fish. A book lies open next to a rod and talks about the mutual envy between a man's legs for land and a fish's freely swimming in water.
  • Mystical Waif: She was only mentioned in passing as widely respected figure throughout Chapter 2 and 3 since she's isolated herself for an ascension, until Chapter 4 introduces her as a benevolent, if mysterious figure who canceled her ascension to save the Evoker after seeing various sectmates and friends stay outside her home for three days straight.
