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Characters / Noblesse Traitor Nobles

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A group of Nobles who betrayed the old Lord. Three of the traitors (Roctis, Urokai, and Zarga) became Elders in the Union while the ones seen here remained independent.

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    Lagus Tradio 

Lagus Tradio

The traitor Noble head of the Tradio clan. He appears before the Werewolves suggesting that he should finally pay a visit to Lukedonia now that several Nobles are absent from there.

  • Artifact of Doom: He has experimented in recreating blood stones, forbidden artifacts that grant power to their wielders by siphoning off life force from other people.
  • Battle Aura: Blood Mist, his counterpart to Rai's and Lascrea's Blood Field. Crosses with Field Power Effect as while he has it active, it allows him to assault anyone in rannge with impunity.
  • Blood Magic: He has been researching the Previous Lord's and Rai's Blood Field, and in his first on-screen field test, he uses it to help kill Rajak.
  • Combat Tentacles: His blood attacks have this shape.
  • Evil Costume Switch: Wore the official black outfit back in Lukedonia. Wears Union white in the current day.
  • Faux Affably Evil: Very polite to anyone he meets even as he plots his or her downfall.
  • Looks Like Orlok: He looks much too inhuman compared to the other Nobles, particularly a stark contrast with Gejutel (an Elderly Immortal) and his own daughter Claudia (who looks very normal).
  • Killed Off for Real: By a very enraged Rai.



A traitor clan leader who left Lukedonia due to not liking the idea that the Previous Lord, and those loyal to him, were choosing to go into eternal sleep much earlier than the Nobles normally would. In the present, he follows along with Lagus to invade Lukedonia.

    Edian Drosia 

Edian Drosia

A traitor clan leader who follows along with Lagus to invade Lukedonia. She appears to have had some form of a crush on Rai in the past.

  • Evil Costume Switch: She is seen wearing Lukedonia black in flashbacks, but wears Union white in the current day.
  • Luminescent Blush: Sports one during a flashback in chapter 375 towards Rai.
  • Mind Control: A victim of this, although Lagus decided not to fully overwrite her personality so that she didn't appear too doll-like. This leaves her with traces of her affection to Rai but little else.
  • Dual Wielding Royal Rapier: Her as-of-yet unnamed weapons.
  • The Smurfette Principle: The only female among the six traitors, not counting offsprings such as Ignes and Claudia (who is at worst her father's Unwitting Pawn).
  • Taking the Bullet: She intercepted Lagus' attacks that were meant for Rai, dying as a result, although it gives Rai enough time to return the favor to Lagus.
  • The Worf Effect: She effortlessly takes down Rozaria (although via an ambush), a younger clan leader who is thus not as strong as her, but when faced with Lascrea, she and Gradeus together end up struggling.
