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Characters / Grimm Fall Beach City Residents

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Beach City Residents

     Steven Universe 

Steven Universe

The son of the Crystal Gem Rose Quartz. Due to his isolated upbringing, he doesn't have much of an idea about the outside world.

  • Fighting from the Inside: When Bill Cipher controls his body, with help from Wirt from Over the Garden Wall, Steven breaks free while 'angering'' his would-be possessor immensely.
  • Good Cannot Comprehend Evil: He at first believes that he can redeem the Grimm. Gwen informs him that the Grimm are completely inhuman, and are essentially programmed to kill and destroy anything in sight.
  • Superior Successor: Crystal Gem Seph considers Steven to be this to both Rose and him. The former in being a better leader, and the latter as Steven is a human/Gem hybrid like him, only admits that he's a natural version and will likely be much stronger.

     Greg Universe 

Greg Universe

The husband of Rose Quartz, son of Steven Universe, and brother of the late Wirt. While not exactly an action guy, Greg has proven himself a good friend and occasional ally of the Crystal Gems. While his history with 'The Beast' and past haunts him, he spends his time helping his son and move past his younger days.

  • Adaptational Badass: While not a fully qualified one, Greg knows how to fight a bit more easily and even faces his childhood nightmare The Beast without fear when trying to save his son.
  • Formerly Fit: In his younger days he was pretty muscular and was a decent fighter. Now, even his old friend Seph says he should lay off the hot dogs.
  • Hero of Another Story: Back in his younger days with Wilt while he was Gregory. Having actually defeated the monster The Beast as a kid!
  • Odd Friendship: With Seph back in the past, a unique gem/human hybrid.
  • We Used to Be Friends: Aside from Seph, the rest of the Crystal Gems have mixed feelings for Greg due to him having 'taken' away Rose. With Steven's birth, the strained relationship seems to get better over time.

The Crystal Gems

  • A band of Gems that went against Homeworld and would wish to liberate their kind and be freed from their home planet. They would start by starting on earth, and creating a thousand year-long war that ended with them driving Homeworld away. Though it came at the cost of the majority dying or 'Corrupted' by the Diamonds, with only a few members left. Still, the few that remain vow to protect the earth from Homeworld, and are some of earths best fighters.

     In General 

     Rose Quartz 

Rose Quartz










