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    Action Squad Playable Classes 


Difficulty: Easy

The jack of all trades class, armed with a submachinegun or assault carbine. All of his weapons have the ability to fire a single Aimed Shot, inflicting high damage after a short delay.

  • Jack of All Trades: Doesn't really do anything fancy, though all of his main weapons do have the Aimed Shot alt-fire.
  • More Dakka: As an alternative to calling in Sniper Support, the Assaulter can whip out an LMG with 50 rounds in the mag.


Difficulty: LOL

The team's Lightning Bruiser, the Breacher excels at hitting hard and fast to eliminate threats before they can potentially harm the team. Uses shotguns (almost) exclusively.

  • Circular Saw Good: One alternate ultimate is to pull out a circular cutting saw and use it to shred doors (and anyone else caught in the way!).
  • Collateral Damage: Expect to cause a lot of this as the Breacher.
  • Fire-Breathing Weapon: What's better than a shotgun? A drum-fed shotgun loaded with incendiary ammo, of course!
  • One-Hit Polykill: Slug rounds will punch through multiple opponents, particularly unarmoured ones. Starts out as 'one hit doublekill', but can be upgraded for triple/quad kill potential.
  • Powerful, but Inaccurate: The Breacher's big drawbacks are that his attacks are either extremely powerful against a single unarmoured enemy at short range but spread vertically (buckshot) and so can't easily pick off enemies that are behind hostages, or devastating against both unarmoured and armoured enemies but will plow through multiple people in a line (slug rounds), potentially splattering any hostages behind enemies if the slug drifts down by even a single pixel. He's very easy to clear levels with, but unless you truly master his kit, playstyle, and have excellent trigger discipline, you won't be getting the full three stars.
  • Ranged Emergency Weapon: One of the active gear options is an M1911 pistol, allowing you to (potentially) limit the Breacher's propensity for collateral damage if used correctly.
  • Shotguns Are Just Better: The Breacher can output disgusting amounts of damage and very quickly clear the screen, with several types of shotguns to choose from, and two types of ammo to use most of the time as well.
  • Stuff Blowing Up: His M.O. - he's the Breacher, after all.


Difficulty: Medium

Carrying a large riot or assault shield, the Shield is slow but highly durable. She can only use pistols (aside from her SMG Assault Ultimate) though, which limits her ability to deal with groups of enemies.

  • Action Girl: Whilst not as action-y as Agent Fergie, she still gets some points here given she's wearing full tactical gear and lugging around a heavy assault shield.
  • Blinded by the Light: Flashbangs are available to almost everyone, but are a limited-use thing. The Shield can pack an assault shield that can emit bright flashes to stun enemies however.
  • Luckily, My Shield Will Protect Me: Fully upgraded, her shields can absorb a significant amount of damage.
  • Mechanically Unusual Class: For every other class, their 'alt fire' special is attached to their primary weapon; for the Shield, it's tied to her Shield instead.
  • Mighty Glacier: She's probably the slowest of the lot, but very tough, especially from the front.
  • Revolvers Are Just Better: The 'SWAT Revolver' is an option for her, though it's generally outclassed by the semi-automatic choices.
  • Shield Bash: Her standard shield can be used to bash opponents, if need be. The lighter assault shield can instead use a flashbang-like attack.

Agent Fergie

Difficulty: Hard

An FBI agent with combat rolls, enhanced melee power, and is armed with pistols. A Fragile Speedster. She's the only class who can't call in Sniper Support as an Ultimate.

  • Action Girl: A female FBI agent who kicks ass with handguns, a knife, a rad pair of shades, and either a second handgun or a compact submachinegun. 'nuff said.
  • Cool Shades: Has a big pair of them in her character/class portrait.
  • Double Tap: The altfire for most of her pistols is to do exactly this; fire two shots off in quick succession. The only ones that can't are the revolver (which has Aimed Shot) and auto pistol (which has no altfire at all).
  • Guns Akimbo: One of her Ultimate ability choices is to pull out a second pistol and start blasting away with both, discarding the second pistol once its ammo is depleted.
  • More Dakka: If handguns aren't cutting it, her alternate Ultimate is to pull out an MP5K for a bit more firepower.
  • Revolvers Are Just Better: One of the later weapon options. It can't Double Tap like her semi-autos, but it has the Aimed Shot altfire instead. Combine it with tactical use of flashbangs and she can quickly and efficiently take down the hostage-taker perps without harming the hostage themselves.
  • Shout-Out: One of her perks in Bureau-cracy to upgrade the MP5K is called "Cherry Darling".
  • Stuff Blowing Up: One of her top-tier perks gives her explosives 'from the Bureau depot', which increases their blast radius by 50% and thus makes her better at, well, this.
  • Unnecessary Combat Roll: The other classes can't move whilst crouching, but hitting the left or right inputs whilst crouching as Fergie will cause her to roll a short distance. You take less damage whilst doing so as well, and it can be upgraded to reduce damage even further.


Difficulty: Medium

Lightly armed (with just an SMG) but equipped with high-tech gadgets, the Recon can scout ahead and reveal the contents of obscured rooms. His suppressed weapons won't alert enemies he doesn't hit, so he can quietly take down foes.

  • Critical Hit Class: His various class-specific perks grant him critical hit bonuses against surprised, highlighted, and/or flanked enemies. They're sorely needed to offset the otherwise relatively low stopping power of his weapons.
  • Fragile Speedster: Like Fergie, the Recon is not particularly durable. His only rifle-proof armour is Raider Armour, which only stops damage from the front.
  • Master of Unlocking: The Recon can pick locks on secured doors to open them quietly, whereas everyone else has to (loudly) kick them open or use (even louder) breaching charges.
  • More Dakka: All his guns, aside from the MP5, can use Rapid Fire as their alternate mode. Ironically this may actually be slower than their standard rate of fire, but it's also laser-accurate.
  • Shotguns Are Just Better: One of his alternate ultimates lets him pull out a suppressed shotgun for quick, quiet takedowns at close range, or...
  • Sniper Rifle: ...the other lets him use sniper rifle for precision kills.
  • Spy Cam: Of the bendy-fiber-optic peek-through/under-doors kind. Still useful for revealed rooms given bonuses against marked enemies, and he gets plenty of uses of them too.
  • Surveillance Drone: Can deploy 'Cam Ball' drones which highlight nearby enemies and grant the team a damage bonus on those enemies.

Off-duty Guy

Difficulty: Medium

I Was Just Passing Through personified. A guy in tactical gear from the waist up... and casual gear from the waist down.

  • Good Is Not Nice: Basically all of his lines are basically some variation of complaining on how he wasn't even supposed to be here today.
  • Invincibility Power-Up: Don't ask how eating a year-old twinkie makes you invincible for five seconds. Best not to think about it too much.
  • Mechanically Unusual Class: His weapon choices are a carbine kept in the trunk of his car, a lever-action trapping/hunting rifle, or a "tricked-out" AK. His gear options are unremarkable save for the Year-old Twinkie which grants him five seconds of invulnerability, and his alternate Ultimates are Pop's Garand (pull out a vintage M1 rifle with 8 armour-piercing rounds in the clip) or Homemade Pie (heals the whole team).
  • Sixth Ranger: Quite literally, being the sixth class in the game. Basically has all the fun ideas/weird toys the devs couldn't fit into any of the other classes' kit. In the splash screen with the class lineup, the other five line up before he abruptly drops from above.
