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Characters / Colorgrave Universe The Colorless Void

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Characters from the Colorgrave Universe who live in the Colorless Void. They were first introduced in Prodigal, but more is revealed about them in Curse Crackers: For Whom The Belle Toils.

Colorgrave Universe Main Character Index

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One of the seven Scales created by Armadel to look after the world of Ledamra, she and her people, known as the Graven, were eventually banished to the Colorless Void after a war. While she has lost her own color, she still retains control over the color of other people.
  • Ambiguously Evil: She helps Oran in his quest to avenge his grandfather, but isn't happy when he comes back to look for Amadeus, forcing the two of them to fight before taking Amadeus out of his reach. She also seems to be planning something which she intends to have Amadeus help her with, which is hinted to be starting another war in Ledamra. However, due to the sources of lore being unreliable, it's unclear how much she and her people deserved their punishment.
  • Giant Woman: Just like the other Scales, she's so big that she doesn't need a dialogue sprite to show her expressions.
  • Large and in Charge: She's the ruler of the Graven, most of whom she created.
  • Last of His Kind: She hints at being this during a sidequest in Prodigal where you get stories from everyone you meet in the void. Curse Crackers goes into more detail about her origins and explains that she's the last surviving Scale of a war. Subverted when it turns out that Blindgaze and Lorebright are still alive, and Oathbind can be brought back if you find all the Oath Blades that she split herself into during the war.
  • Series Mascot: The game's company is named after her.
  • You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: Zig-zagged; After Oran defeats Bolivar, she decides that Amadeus is no longer needed as the protector of Vann's Point, and takes the rest of his color away while keeping him trapped in the Colorless Void; however, she plans to use him for some other purpose and tells him that he will be useful to her.

The Graven

    In General 
A race of monstrous beings from Ledamra that were all banished to the Colorless Void along with their Scale.
  • Ambiguously Human: The other races created by the Scales are all variants of human, but it's unknown if the same can be said for the Graven, who are mostly made with more monstrous appearances, and even refer to themselves as monsters and act as if they are not human.
  • Boomerang Bigot: They hate mages, yet just like the other races gifted by the Scales, the females are able to use magic themselves.
  • Fusion Dance: While they all differ in appearances and abilities, a shared ability they have is that they are able to merge with one another, as shown with Leer and Tedra in the climax of Curse Crackers.
A Graven who resembles Medusa, and previously spent some time away from the Colorless Void, where she regained her color.
  • The Cameo: She appears during the ending of the main story of Curse Crackers, taking Leer and Tedra back home for them to face punishment for disobeying Colorgrave. She appears again in a post-game quest where you play as Bonnie, and is fought as a boss with Colorgrave helping.
  • Defeat Means Friendship: In Prodigal, when Oran arrives in the Colorless Void, she tells the other residents not to be hostile towards him, especially since he isn't a mage, and also sells two different buff items.
  • "Get Back Here!" Boss: In Curse Crackers, you have to chase her across a long room while avoiding her attacks and the lava you can fall into, before you fight her properly while avoiding attacks from both her and Colorgrave.
  • Hidden Depths: When she's not fighting people, she makes and sells food, although Tedra believes that she's cheating by using magic.
  • Medusa: Downplayed; her design takes inspiration from Medusa but she lacks the ability to turn people to stone, and her hair is more like tentacles than snakes.
  • Power Floats: She is never seen with her feet on the ground, instead hovering in the air all the time.
  • Punch-Clock Villain: She only fights Oran in the Crocasino Vault because she's guarding the item he's after. When she is encountered later, she thanks him for killing her and sending her back to the void since she no longer has to work for Crocodile.
  • Tornado Move: She can spin around like a tornado, which she does in both of the games she appears in.
A Graven resembling a cyclops, who is planning to take revenge on the mages of Ledamra along with Leer.
  • Cyclops: She looks like a normal girl aside from her pointy ears and the single large eye on her face.
  • Early-Bird Cameo: She first appears in Prodigal and is involved with two sidequests. She also hints at her role as an antagonist in Curse Crackers.
  • Master of Illusion: She's able to make fake walls and platforms, and often uses them to hide things. Her boss battle also involves her making multiple copies of herself, although unlike her they have no color.
A Graven resembling a harpy, who is planning to take revenge on the mages of Ledamra along with Tedra.
  • Early-Bird Cameo: She first appears in Prodigal and is involved with two sidequests. She also mentions that she will use the bow you gave her against the mages, hinting at her role in this game.
  • Harping on About Harpies: She has wings and feet that resemble those of a bird.
  • Hidden Depths: In Prodigal during the story-collecting sidequest, she decides to sing a song.
A Graven who consists of a horned eyeball with a body, who runs a library in the Colorless Void.
  • Faceless Eye: His head is just a large eyeball with horns.
  • Zero-Effort Boss: In Curse Crackers, he tries to fight Bonnie to prevent her from rescuing Belle. Unfortunately, he's not very good at it.
A Graven with fish-like features.
  • Big Eater: The first sidequest she's in during Prodigal has her mention that she's hungry and requiring you to get some food for her through a Chain of Deals. She also often talks about being hungry and threatens to eat you, though she says that's just a joke.
  • Connected All Along: Some of her dialogue implies that her father is Amadeus, especially after it's revealed that he is Caroline's father, making her and Ulni sisters or half-sisters.
  • Fish People: She has parts that resemble those of a fish, calls herself one at one point, and it's implied that her mother is the unreachable mermaid seen in Prodigal.
A Graven who appears to be made entirely from slime.
  • Slime Girl: Her whole body is made from slime, though interestingly she seems to need to stay in a cauldron all the time; she says that a mage cursed her, but it's unclear if that applies to her whole form or just being stuck in the cauldron.
A Graven who looks like an ordinary human, only bigger. Oh, and she can remove her head.
  • Losing Your Head: She mentions that she can survive being beheaded, and some concept art of her shows her with her head off her body in such a way that it looks like it's floating.
A Graven resembling a minotaur, who likes to knit in his spare time.
A Graven resembling a giant, who is friendlier than the rest.
  • Gentle Giant: He's less hostile towards humans than the other Graven, and during the story quest in Prodigal talks about how he remained friends with a human even when the war was starting, until said human was killed by mages. Or so he thought, as Curse Crackers reveals that he's still alive.
  • Speech Impediment: He has a very heavy lisp, which he says was caused by getting his tongue burned by a mage's attack.
