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Characters / Chip 'n' Dale: Park Life

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The characters from Chip 'n' Dale: Park Life.

Voiced by: Matthew Gezcy
  • Brainwashed and Crazy: In "Acorn on My Side", he was hypnotized by a sinister acorn. He also is put in hibernation in "Too Late to Hibernate" when a slushy machine ends up creating snowflakes, then again when he and Dale are buried in snow and again when they fall into snow.
  • Hero with Bad Publicity: Gains this during the course of "Bird Brains". However, he and Dale are both exonerated when they both take the hit for a beloved peacock.
  • Heroic BSoD: He becomes heartbroken after Dale's Disney Death to the point where every reminder of his friendship with his brother causes him to weep in utter despair and grief. He immediately snaps out of it when Dale is confirmed to be alive and well in front of him.
  • Mistaken for Murderer: He is falsely accused of attempted murder on a beloved peacock by everyone even his own brother.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: He realizes his mistake of removing a baby's pacifier after the latter cries and an army of babies run off with his brother.
  • Speaking Simlish: Talks this way due to the non-verbal nature of the show.
  • Took a Level in Badass: Over the course of the first season, he becomes more assertive and kind to Dale. It went to the point of seriously scaring Butch to death in "The Ghost", defending a duckling from a fox in "Struggling Duckling", standing up for what he thinks are animals in danger by scaring their "tormentors" off with a megaphone in "Ruff Justice" and caring for a snake egg even after it hatches in "Egg Baby".

Voiced by: Kaycie Chase
  • Be Careful What You Wish For: Wanting peace and quiet in an Out-of-Character Moment, he attempts to manipulate Chip into hibernation but, when it happens, it ends up having Gone Horribly Right and Chip succumbs to hibernation thrice.
  • Brainwashed and Crazy: He ends up Taking the Bullet for Chip against a mysterious acorn and is briefly entranced in "Acorn in my Side". Then he enters hibernation in "Too Late to Hibernate" when a pile of slushy snow falls onto him and Chip and then again when he and Chip trip and fall into the snow.
  • Broken Pedestal: Mistakenly and foolishly believes Chip is a deranged murderer and Took a Level in Jerkass into becoming a Dirty Coward Hero Antagonist.
  • Heroic BSoD: When Chip replaces him as the darling to a pair of bikers, his heart practically disintegrates and weeps in utter despair and betrayal. However, seeing Chip's list having them hug snaps him out of it in time to rescue Chip.
  • Laser-Guided Karma: His attempts to put Chip to sleep end up biting him in the butt when he enters hibernation twice.
  • Mistaken for Murderer: In a case of History Repeats, he is falsely accused of trying to kill the beloved peacock and joins Chip in being mocked and forced to busk.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: When Chip tries to run off crying, Dale feels bad and successfully tries to make it up to him with a picnic.
  • Rebuilt Pedestal: After he becomes as much of a Hero with Bad Publicity as Chip, he realizes Chip was innocent and undergoes a Heel–Face Turn.
  • Speaking Simlish: Talks this way due to the nonverbal nature of the show.
  • Temporarily a Villain: He serves as the main antagonist of "Bird Brains" due to Chip being Mistaken for Murderer and indirectly creates a lynch mob against Chip when the latter is believed to be out to hurt the park's beloved peacock. However, he ends up being on the other side of the stick, reowns Chip and undergoes a Heel–Face Turn to the point of joining him in exoneration.
  • Took a Level in Badass: Over the course of the first season, he becomes more of a manipulative, intelligent and loyal Only Sane Man. It went to the point of haunting Butch as a "ghost" per Chip's advice in "The Ghost" and attempting to manipulate him into hibernation in "Too Late to Hibernate".

Voiced by: Cindy Lee Delong

    Donald Duck 
Voiced by: Sylvain Caruso
  • A Bloody Mess: Donald uses ketchup in Dark in the Park to fake an injury.
  • Ungrateful Bastard: When Donald ends up trapped in the park at night as far from his truck, Chip and Dale help him back to it. He rewards them with a simple cup of tap water after presenting them various treats before shooing them away.

Voiced by: Bill Farmer
  • Adaptational Nice Guy: Most cartoons have Pluto be actively hostile toward Chip and Dale. Here, he gets along with them so long as they aren't being harsh to him. In other words, the times when he is hostile toward them in this show is actually justified.
  • Help, I'm Stuck!: In "Dog in the House", Pluto gets stuck inside of Chip and Dale's home after he chases Chip in there, and he is unable to get out afterward until the end.
