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Characters / America Rising 2

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     The Sole Survivor 

For tropes concerning their involvement in the base game, see Fallout 4: Protagonist and Family.

     General Russell Ward 

A former general of the United States Army and a high-ranking member of the Enclave.

     Dr. Ellen O'Neil Kane 

A former West-Tek scientist who later joins the Enclave.

     Captain Michael Peterson 

A former captain of the United States Army who later joins the Enclave.

     Lieutenant Antonio Fitzpatrick 

A former Air Force pilot who joins the Enclave.

     Colonel Morgan Whitehill 

The sole survivor of the Atlantic Oil Rig and a high-ranking member of the Enclave.

     Chief Engineer Stanley Myers 

An Enclave mechanic.

     Senator Henry Matthews 

An Enclave senator.

     Quartermaster Sarah Barratt 

The quartermaster of the Atlantic Oil Rig.

     Staff Sergeant Toby 

The chef on the Atlantic Oil Rig.

     Doctor Dagless 

The medic of the Atlantic Oil Rig.

     Dr. Armstrong 

A rogue Institute division head.
