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Blog / My Name Is Zytherys

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Zytherys is a normal girl, living alone. This starts to change when a journal shows up on her doorstep. Before long, she's having problems with her computer (and later, camera), suffering from a compulsion to film herself constantly, and co-workers comment about an unnervingly tall man who seems to vanish before they can speak to him.

The story ran during 2010, and the original tumblr blog has since been taken down, but can be read it part through the Internet Archive.

This blog provides examples of:

  • Apocalyptic Log: One possible explanation for the journal filling itself with Zyth's handwriting...
  • Don't Go in the Woods: So far the only appearance of The Slender Man has been a "blink and you'll miss it" moment in the woods.
  • Humanoid Abomination: Assuming the creepy guy mentioned by her co-workers and briefly spotted in the "Found Footage" clip is the Slender Man.
  • Interface Screw: In-universe, with the Oh, Crap! incident.
  • Oh, Crap!: Zyth first seems to realize something is seriously wrong when her computer starts scrolling on it's own... despite attempts to shut it off.
