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Awesome / Spirited (2022)

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  • Clint's Establishing Character Moment in "Bringing Back Christmas". In essence, he enters a room of Christmas tree sellers who clearly hate his guts and manages to convince them to start a culture war to sell Christmas trees, taking them from booing to cheering like they're at a wrestling match in less than five minutes.
  • Out of all the adaptations of the Christmas Carol story, here we see something that has never happened before: after Present shows Clint the life he supposedly wants, Clint calls out that Present is just projecting his own wishes on to him and then takes control of the haunt, flipping it around so that it's actually Present and Kimberly living together. It forces Present to confront his own desires and ends with him finally retiring so he can actually live his own life again.
  • The flashback scene where Clint's sister calls out their abusive mother for lying about getting Clint a puppy and then pretending it ran away is made of Big Sister Instinct.
  • At one point, when Clint refuses to accept or recognize his toxic affect on the people close to him, Present gets angry and disgusted enough to give him a hard slap to the face.
  • All of the "transition" scenes where the ghosts send Clint to another time or location are pretty cool and catch him off guard (making a hospital door take him back to the room he's running away from, having him step out a door only to step off the roof where a zipline is waiting, using a magical light to drag him through the sky across Times Square, etc.) are pretty cool, but even then, Clint turns the tables at one point by escaping into the ghosts’ mission control room and eluding attempts to catch him with quick-thinking and agility. Plus, the moment when he grabs onto Present to keep from being dragged away by one of Jacob Marley's spells so he can stay long enough to ask an Armor-Piercing Question.
  • The "Good Afternoon" number where Clint gets Present to give in to his worst impulses and start Trolling people with Politeness Judo while Present is trying to guilt-trip him is equal parts awesome and hilarious.
  • Future finally manages to speak in front of a "perp" after so many years of being too timid to do so and gives Clint a No-Holds-Barred Beatdown for driving Present away.
