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Awesome / Sonic and the Black Knight

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  • The Knights of the Round Table all have their own little moments of awesome. It would have been way more awesome if the Jet and Silver look-alikesnote  had made it into the story mode.
  • This exchange:
    Percival: I am Sir Percival, Knight of the Round Table, servant of King Arthur. State your name and your master, sir.
    Sonic: I'm Sonic, Sonic the Hedgehog! I have no master except the wind that blows free!
  • Sonic's multiple Badass Boasts before his fight with King Arthur:
    Sonic: I'm Sonic the Hedgehog, Knight of the Wind. Let's settle things once and for all, King Arthur.
    Arthur: (mockingly) It seems your impersonation of a knight has improved somewhat.
    Sonic: (smiling, completely undeterred) I have you to thank for that.
    Arthur: Then let us have another look at that unsightly swordsmanship.
    Sonic: You're going to be sorry you asked. This is it, old pal.
    Caliburn: Indeed. Give it everything you have. Only then will you prevail.
  • The pre-final-boss cutscene is just truly amazing. Sonic is getting beat to a bloodly pulp by Merlina and doesn't even fall to his knees. And then his determination to not just let evil win turns Caliburn into Excalibur. GODDAMN EXCALIBUR. And if you play it right, the final boss can easily be a Curb-Stomp Battle, making the CMOA truly complete.
    Caliburn: I am going to teach you the error of your ways!
  • Sonic's Transformation Sequence before the battle set beautifully to an amazing orchestral score that's timed perfectly with the sequence, it's something straight out of Saint Seiya.
  • Sonic says this line twice in the course of Black Knight, but the second time he pulls it out is made of awesome, refuting against Merlina's nihilistic outlook when she calls him out for trying to stop her plans.
    Sonic: I already told you, I don't mind playing the bad guy every once in a while.
  • Excalibur Sonic gets one hell of a finisher against Merlina; Sonic flies back, charges up the sword, takes aim, and does a flashy attack that wouldn't be out of place from Kingdom Hearts. And then, of course, Caliburn says:
    "There's nothing Excalibur can't cut through!"
  • The very realization by the Knights of the Round Table that Sonic was the true King Arthur the entire game.
  • The Medals play character themes, making playing through the levels that much more badass. Especially "All Hail Shadow" thanks to the Epic Riff.
  • Lancelot Returns. Irritated by the Badass Decay of Shadow/Lancelot? This one is for you. Lancelot can finally cut loose, using timing, ruthlessness, and Chaos powers galore, making the easiest boss the most difficult one.
