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Awesome / SEAL Team

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Other Lives

  • The SEALs deciding to save the Syrian refugees despite the loss of one child who was exposed to VX.

Boarding Party

  • The rescue of the Stanford University research press by the SEALs, followed by suppressive fire from the Special warfare combatant-craft crewmen manning RHIBs outfitted with gatling guns.

Ghost of Christmas Future


  • Jason's use of the MP7 to persuade a potential hostile South Sudanese army officer to let his team through.
    Jason: That's a full mag from an MP7 pointed straight at your waist. Now, I know as soon as the shooting starts, that DShK is gonna tear us to pieces. But what I want you to know, whatever else happens, you'll die. Maybe you'll last a couple hours with your balls blown off and your guts hanging out of your stomach. Personally, I'd rather be vaporized by the DShk. Nobody wins. So, what do you say we give peace a chance?
  • The American humanitarian workers refusing to evacuate from South Sudan just because of the violence. And they want to set an example.
  • The SEALs evacuating Ray, Lisa and the injured reporter after using a drone to guide them.
    • Lisa distracting the nationalist mob by using the South Sudanese flag and having them go inside as a distraction.


  • Clay survives SERE training despite seeing visions of Brian and Ash, suggesting that he needs to give up.

Rolling Dark

  • Jason and the others using flash and thermal grenades to blind Alpha Group while they made a mad dash for the border.
    • Sonny goes "WOLVERINES!" at the stunned AG operators as they give him a WTF look.

Pattern of Life

  • The general overseeing the operation asks why the team can't just take an entire family with them on the helicopters and makes a snide "Nice operation you're running here" comment when he's told the choppers can't take the weight. Blackburn, in a tone that is simultaneously respectful and condescending, explains the weight limitations of the helicopters and how the team can only take one person maximum with them. The general is forced to concede the point.
    Lisa: What he said.

Out of the Wire

  • Bravo's HVT interdiction operation, despite the risk of the target making changes to the travel plans and a Federal Police unit nearly spooking the team.
    • Jason and Ray risking their lives to save Juan from turning himself in to the cartel and leaving his family to be traumatized by his death.

Things Not Seen

  • The entire op in Syria.
