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Awesome / Rage of Bahamut: Genesis

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  • Episode 1: It really sets the tone for the entire rest of the story.
    • Bahamut vs everyone else.
    • Kaiser's and Favaro's introductions as they race atop rooftops on horses while dueling each other.
    • Amira's first transformation: She takes out a demon the size of a building with only four attacks. While pushing it back with only one finger.
  • Episode 2: The strongest magic spells the knights use against Amira just tickles her.
  • Episode 4: Demonic fishmen vs. zombie pirates.
  • Episode 5 is a long string of these for the cast.
    • Favaro cutting his bounty hunter bracelet to just how serious he is with the whole 'rescue Amira' enterprise. He's sacrificing his only means of lawful employment to rescue Amira.
    • The Kaisar v. Favaro fight. Some of the best animation in the series so far, accompanied with a particularly effective and heart-wrenching monologue from Kaisar at his hammiest.
    • Favaro and Kaisar's Rivals Team Up moment to defeat Pazuzu. They smash a giant cog in his face.
      • And just as they're escaping, Favaro uses his crossbow revolver and headshots him.
    • Azazel has trapped our heroes! What does Amira do? She awakens and unleashes a massive energy being from within her.
    • And to top it all off, Rita uses her necromancy to escape in a zombie wyvern.
  • Episode 6.
    • Gigantic Animated Armors vs. equally gigantic ghouls.
      • And Jeanne D'Arc curb stomps them with her lance in a few slashes.
  • Episode 7: The demon invasion of the capital. On the demon side, we have wyverns, giant ghouls, minotaurs, skeletons, goblins, Pazuzu, and Azazel. On the human side, we have dragon knights, wizards, Siege Engines, and Saint Jeanne.
    • Pazuzu seemingly defeats Jeanne by sending her flying with a tornado... except the sage battalion on the walls ends up creating magical Stepping Stones in the Sky for her to run on and impale Pazuzu on Maltet in midair.
    • Kaisar making a suicidal attack on Azazel to leave him open to Jeanne's charging attack.
  • Episode 12: Kaisar and Favaro teaming up and using the former´s bracelet to defeat Martinet. Then they fly to the skies and with the support of pretty much everyone Favaro manages to stab Bahamut with his own fang, defeating it for the time being.

Virgin Soul

  • Episode 1: The opening minutes of the season begin with an army of humans led by King Charioce XVII as they assault an angelic stronghold. In stark contrast to how humanity was clearly in a position of subservience to the gods ten years ago, they now have the power to utterly curb-stomp angels.
    • Toward the end of the episode, we find out what happens when Nina gets horny. She transforms into a huge red dragon, and when giant armors are mobilized against her, she tears through them like they're made of wet cardboard.
  • Azazel, Charioce and Kaisar having a three way battle.
