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Awesome / Life Is Strange: True Colors

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  • If Alex refuses to go along with Mac's attempt to pin the blame on Gabe for his injuries, she'll call him out for starting it while bluntly admitting that she beat the crap out of him. Riley simply responds that Mac had it coming before dumping him.
  • Alex's entire goal after Chapter Two. Rather than take the dubious circumstances of Gabe's death lightly, she decides to go after Typhon, a global company, to expose them of their crimes. Better yet? She causes enough worry for them to actively try and shut her down numerous times, up to and including threatening her with jail time. Depending on the player choices, Alex can outright rebuke this threat.
  • The end of the LARP in Chapter Three: Thanks to Alex tapping into Ethan's joy, the Final Boss is a full-on JRPG-style fight sequence, complete with health meters and audio/visual effects.
  • Despite having been shot and taken an incredibly nasty fall down the mineshaft, Alex still manages to escape and make it to the council meeting to expose the truth. Talk about being a tough cookie.
    • While in the mine, a lantern Alex is using as a light source fizzles out. After suffering a brief anxiety attack, she swiftly resolves to use her powers to highlight the aura of the caverns, mapping out a path.
  • Getting everyone to side with Alex during the council meeting through her various acts of kindness to them. Regardless of the fact that they've known her for a short amount of time, they point out her current state and demand she at least get a chance to truly give her side of the story.
  • Regardless of whether or not you have Alex pursue a romance with her, Steph will always be the first person to believe Alex and remains on her side even if everyone else at the meeting turns against her. If your choices result in Ryan turning against Alex, Steph will become incensed at him and give a short but cathartic What the Hell, Hero? rant before Alex steps in. It should be mentioned that she's known Ryan for far longer but has grown so close (romantically or platonically) to Alex that she doesn't even consider the idea of her lying.
    • Look closely at her reaction when Alex first makes the accusation. She's furious towards Jed and Diane. It's clear from that moment on that Steph is willing to side with Alex no matter what.
  • Despite the bittersweetness of forgiving Jed, the option to condemn him serves as a thunderous moment for Alex. It should be noted that his choices led to the death of Gabe and her father John, on top of the fact he was willing to kill Alex to keep his actions a secret. It's also implied that he was fine with Typhon stalking and threatening Steph and Ryan, the latter of whom is his own son.
  • The scene with Steph just before Alex goes upstairs to reflect on whether or not to leave Haven. She says outright that she wants to be with Alex anywhere she goes, even if they just stay in Haven. To prove her commitment, she tears her bus ticket in half.
