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Awesome / Kane Pixels' The Backrooms

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The whole series has made quite an impression on YouTube, but for the sake of brevity, here are moments that can stand out:

  • The Camera Guy in Found Footage gets props for lasting as long as he did without a map of the facility he was lost in, and continuously documenting his foray for research and potentially so rescuers can track him. He may have been captured, but at that moment in time, this was a potentially better alternative to the implied fall to his death from the warp-zone-chute back to reality. His camera was recovered so at least someone will know that the Camera Guy disappeared somewhere and may still be alive.
  • The ASYNC Foundation treats The Backrooms like a respectable company would with due safety regulations. The researchers take proper precautions when Marvin E. Leigh has his encounter with a Bacteria Entity, sealing off the access point indefinitely to assess the danger, and fortifying the entry portal office with security shutters in case of any entities lurking nearby.
  • The main Spanner in the Works for safety is the executive who attempted to propose colonizing the Backrooms in spite of the dangers documented, but the Presentation video can still stimulate the imagination. All of the proposed living spaces and commercial facilities being visually rendered, help let viewers ponder how fascinating it could be to experience such a planned community, and perhaps how fighting off entities would be handled since there's bound to be some encounters.
  • The fact that Peter Tench managed to outrun the supervisors and make his way to the elevator, easily navigating the winding hallways of the facility, is definitely worth mentioning. He may have even disappeared into the wind where he is planning his next move.
