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Awesome / Itaewon Class

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  • Yiseo confronting Jang Daehee. First she asks a challenging question at a public presentation full of investors, and later she power walks by herself into Jang Daehee's office. It takes incredible balls for a young, low status person like her to confront the iron-willed head of a major corporation (who is ruthlessly devoted to destroying his enemies) and come out on top of the negotiations.
  • The scene where Yiseo extracts a confession from Jang Geunwon is a tour de force in manipulation. She skillfully plays up her ruthless, money-grabbing, sociopath persona in order to compellingly convince both him and the audience that she's on his side and thinking about betraying Saeroyi. But then she suddenly and dramatically flips to revealing she's blackmailing him and now has exactly what she needs to get the revenge and justice Saeroyi dreamed about. The look of Oh, Crap! on Jang Geunwon's face when he realizes this is priceless.
