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Awesome / Dawn of the Dead (2004)

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  • The opening title sequence/montage, paired with Johnny Cash's "The Man Comes Around".
    • Along with the attention-grabbing sequence leading up to it, with its astonishingly short turnaround time on Developing Doomed Characters, and just how terrifyingly fast everything goes from safe suburban normalcy to pure Hell on Earth. In the lead-up to the film's release, some cable networks showed the entire uncut sequence as a sneak preview.
  • Even though it was a One-Scene Wonder, the sheriff on the tv leading a group of survivors and fighting back against the infected to the point where they have a giant pile of re-killed undead burning behind him as he casually chats to the reporter, only stopping for a moment to yell at one of the survivors to finish off an incapacitated zombie.
  • Ana's quick thinking from the beginning. Far from panicking at the gruesome horror that assaults her, she takes smart and vital decisions while the dead are literally knocking at her door.
  • Michael's one-on-one with a zombified, very aggressive, janitor, involving a lot of quick thinking and a broken croquet bat's handle.
  • Norma's death. When she walked in on the birth of Andre's baby, she takes one shot to put down the zombified Luda before exchanging fire with Andre. By the end of it, Norma has taken shots to the torso and is still clinging to life, while Andre dropped dead from two rounds in the chest. Never Mess with Granny indeed.
    • The fact her gun uses more powerful ammunition than Andre's gun doesn't hurt either.
  • The group's use of propane tanks as improvised explosives to clear the zombies off of the road on the way to the marina.
  • Tucker's Guns Akimbo moment during the retreat from the gun store.
  • The entirety of CJ's Last Stand against zombies in the climax, following with him exploding the entire bus he was in and taking most of zombies out as well.
