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Awesome / Bullet Train

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  • Ladybug's fight with Hornet ends with him sticking her with the snake venom and managing to take her antivenom before she can administer it to herself. He then watches as she pathetically tries to stop the bleeding before crawling to her death.
    • Before that, the effortless manner in which he turns the tables on her: stabbed accidentally by her syringe? He instantly takes it out, jabs her arm, and push the piston down. Not only does he give her a taste of her own poison, but now he forced her to reveal where the antidote is.
  • Tangerine after being kicked off the bullet train by Ladybug, manages to get back onboard by holding onto the rear cabin and smashing his way in with a set of brass knuckles.
    • Tangerine gets repeatedly called throughout the movie by the White Death demanding his case and son and forcing him to get off the train (earlier, he reprimands him for disobeying his orders to stay on the train). He insults him with no hint of fear every time, even after he says he'll kill him and everyone else on the train.
  • Prince smirks that she's missed a few calls so her man followed orders to kill Yuichi's son. That smirk vanishes when the Elder dryly asks if she thinks he'd leave his grandson unguarded. Cut to that assassin being strangled and having his throat sliced open by a random nurse.
  • White Death ends up having The Elder in the perfect spot to poetically use the same signature Finishing Move Russian Roulette kill they had used against the old leader of the Minigeshi clain which The Elder had witnessed firsthand. Even more epic was that it seemed that luck was indeed on their side yet again when they held their gun to their own head and heard an empty click before a shot was chambered as they readied to finish off The Elder.
  • The Elder fighting White Death and managing to deal a near-fatal blow to him, moments before the train derails.
  • Props to the White Death himself, who lives up to the reputation built through the film by pretty much dominating his fight with the Elder, reducing him to his knees and helpless as he is about to shot the fatal blow.
    • However, this lead to a small, but impactful moment for the Elder's son, that after spending the whole movie consumed by guilt and self-loathing for his inability to protect his son redeems himself by attacking the White Death as he is about to kill the Elder, saving his father and allowing him to deliver a fatal blow to the White Death (although not what actually kills the White Death, but with the sword so far in his torso his survival seemed pretty unlikely).
  • The train crash itself. While catastrophic, it was an intensely awesome scene to watch. Especially Ladybug flying back through several train cars and landing safely on the mascot costume without getting hurt.
  • The White Death's death when he was about to kill Ladybug, unaware that the gun he was holding was rigged by The Prince, which causes half of his head to be blown off in the process.
  • Lemon avenges his brother by running over the Prince with a tangerine truck.
