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Season 1

Season 2

  • At the start of the season, Irving had promised to support Rick O'Shea's mayoral bid, in exchange for O'Shea burying his grand jury probe into Waits's escape. After his son's death, Irving becomes jaded and decides to throw his support behind incumbent mayor Hector Ramos. When O'Shea confronts him about this, Irving very casually reveals that he's sold the video of Waits's jailbreak to the Los Angeles Times.

Season 3

Season 4

  • Once again, Irving's ability to manipulate politics. Learning that Ramos is going to side with the protestors who will be demonstrating outside Hollywood Station, Irving offers Desiree Zealy, the activist leading the protest movement, a job on the police oversight board. This maneuver not only co-opts Zealy but also compromises her in the eyes of the other protestors when they see her talking to Irving. Subsequently, rather than the 1,000+ people anticipated, only a few dozen people turn out for the demonstration. Ramos is humiliated, and moreso as Irving has Laura Cooke run a story in the Los Angeles Times at that exact same moment about Ramos's shady dealings with Bradley Walker.

Season 5

Season 6
