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Live Blogs The War On The Prayer Warriors
Valiona2015-03-31 19:32:09

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BWTW Chapter 5: Draco's OOC; What Else Is New?

Written By: Thomas
Proofread By: Ebony

Thomas reveals that The Evil Gods has been finished, and thanks Ebony for her work proofreading this. For Noah, however, he says that his "story is full of lies" and tells him to repent and come back to God. Once again, he tells readers not to review if they don't like the story.

As Michael leaves Hagrid's hut, Draco approaches him and tells him that he knows that he's a Christian. One would think that being approached by a Hogwarts student who has poor morals and despises non-purebloods in addition to being aware of him being a Christian who wants to kill them all would elicit an Oh, Crap reaction from Michael, unless he believes that Draco is dumb enough to go to him first.

But Draco came to Michael for a very different reason than what most would expect; he wants to give up on being a Satanist and get baptized, so that he won't go to Hell, and that he can join Michael's army. Michael baptizes Draco while getting him to promise never to do witchcraft again, considering this yet another victory.

Michael asks Draco for a date with Ginny, since he needs to use her for his goal of getting into Dumbledore's office. Draco agrees, having dated Ginny until a year ago (disregarding how Out of Character this is for someone who despises Ginny and her family, I have to wonder how and why the relationship ended), but warns her about Harry Potter and Ron, who are the most satanic students in the school, and are very dangerous.

Michael thanks Draco for the help and asks him to think of an idea he can use to get into Dumbledore's office. Draco says that he will, so he can go to Heaven. Michael invites Draco to Sunday services at Hagrid's hut.

Michael retires to his room, and reads the first four books (an oddly specific remark)Gospel of Mark and the book of Ruth (erroneously thinking that Ruth was devoted to her husband, rather than her mother-in-law, an Older Than Feudalism case of how in-laws can, in fact, get along). He asks for God's forgiveness for sinning (although it's unclear what he did), and gets it, along with the news that Jerry has defeated the evil gods.

Next Installment: Michael asks out Ginny despite the very idea disgusting him, and gets an answer more quickly than most would expect.

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