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Live Blogs The War On The Prayer Warriors
Valiona2015-07-21 23:53:41

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TEG 2 Chapter 20: A Shocking Ending

Written By: Thomas
POV: Unknown Prayer Warrior
Deaths: Percy(1)

The Prayer Warriors meet Bill in the remains of a church that was converted to a Satanist temple. They then take the fight to Jupiter's secret hideout, "Chat wapiti shiva terminal" (I have no idea what that is), secretly approaching the gate. When they fail to call him out, they opt to do things the old fashioned way, and kill all the "satanic breasts".

They then chase down Jupiter, who gains speed from Satan's power, outpacing them until they call upon God's power. Of course, Jupiter can't outrun a lightning bolt, and is struck down.

The Prayer Warriors rejoice over his death, and with it, India being converted to Christianity...

...until Jupiter opens his eyes, and reveals that, as the god of Thunder, electricity cannot harm him. Jupiter demands that they kneel down to him, and draws a gun, trying to shoot Jerry but hitting Percy. Jupiter then makes his escape to the United Arab Empire, which the narration points out is only a brief reprieve until Judgment Day (which makes me wonder why the Prayer Warriors try so hard to kill their enemies).

All in all, it is a bit of a shocking twist, by having a villain survive being struck by God's lightning (something Harry Potter, someone who, admittedly due to special circumstances, survived being killed by Voldemort, was unable to do) and escape after killing a protagonist. Of course, given that the villain's based off the author's brother, it could be proof that Thomas, not satisfied with stoning him to death in Battle With the Witches, isn't done with his newest representation of his hated brother just yet.

Percy's funeral is held, and Dexter's son's name is revealed to be William. Jerry sends him to Egypt, leading into Attack Of The Sphinx.

Meanwhile, someone approaches Jerry from behind and admits to being the traitor? Who is it? We don't find out here; as the author is saving it for The Titans Strike Back.

The author advertises a Prayer Warrior roleplay. He says that his brother put viruses on his computer, and he no longer has Attack of the Sphinx or The Titans Strike Back, and says that he will be grateful if anyone can send them to him. He informs us that he will write a seventh installment, "The Crusades of Christ," but can't do that until he gets the fifth and sixth ones back. He also says that contrary to what Noah or Ebony say (Has she turned against him, too? It's worth pointing out that he used to get along with Noah), he is not dead.

That's all I have for now. I'll let you know if I find either of the next two fics.

One final note for some returning readers. I re-uploaded Chapter 13 of The Evil Gods Part 2 (Installment 74), to include the actual chapter, which I hadn't been able to see for a long time.

Next Installment: To be determined.

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