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Live Blogs Zap To The Extreme! Let\'s Read Sonichu!!
Psyga3152013-07-18 13:46:30

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Issue 3: Overcome That Shadow, Chaotic Combo! For You Are All That You Are!!


Sonichu: Hey, Dad! Found this ancient Egypt dude who says you are destined to steal the spotlight from me!

Chris-Chan: Oooooh cool!

Sonichu: Also there's this weird dude with a spider asking his brother to seek vengeance.

Walter: You looked at me funny! Leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet's battle!

Nicole's Reincarnation: SIT BOY!

{Walter slams his head onto the ground}


Metal Sonichu: Hello? Is anyone going to notice me?


I actually am impressed by this. So far we're introduced to the characters seen in the introductions chapter, just as I predicted. Issue 1 we're introduced to Blake and Silver (He appeared at the end of Issue 0 though...), Issue 2 handled the debut of the three Self-Insert Sonichus, and now, the third Issue will deal with the debut of the Chaotic Combo, five different Sonichus with borrowed traits from other Pokemon. They may sound interesting. Knowing Sonichu though...

Actually, if you think about it, this is sort of like Gyro: Dark Chronicles. Nearly every instalment introduces a new character, but here's the thing. In here? There's actual build up and backstory delved into these debuts, where as in Gyro, they're just "Oh hai, I popped by, can I be part of your crew?" Sure, they’re still one dimensional, but at least they’re not Gyro levels of one dimensional. Enough hyping, let's delve into...

Issue 3

There's a narration about how this rainbow created many eggs and caused the Origin Story for the five characters. Suddenly I think of that episode in My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic... Anyways, one Sonichu is Raised by Wolves, another by water types, another by nuns (and Chris-Chan creeping into her room in her sleep like Edward Cullen), another by Arrogant Kung Fu Guys, and another is raised by FREAKING MEWTWO! HELL YEAH! Sadly, like Metachu, he’s never going to appear in this comic again, so enjoy him while you can. I personally like Punchy's origin, as it's sort of funny.

Anyways, next chapter introduces us to this sunbird, Flame, who is sort of like Knuckles, in which he protects a giant stone that's on an island from falling into the wrong hands. Naturally, someone of this calibre and promise will have a bigger role to play in the Sonichu universe, right? Hahaha. Nope. And guess who comes back into the spotlight? Our dear friend, Blake! And... Is this Sonic Riders being referenced? Huh... must be some Hilarious in Hindsight... He pops by and steals the Sunstone. Blake then comes across several of the Chaotic Combo members, which causes all of them to meet up. Save for Magi-Chan who stands there like a badass and uses the fact that he's a psychic to his advantage.

Sonichu runs up, apparently knowing in advance of the Sunstone for no reason, and intercepts Blake as well. Magi-Chan gets the guys together and they... Oh crap. Okay, I was kidding about the Power Rangers reference! I'm confused at how to feel. Ashamed that I guessed something waaaaaaaaay ahead of its time, or laughing that I got it right... Anyways, Sonichu faces down Blake, and after a You and What Army? rebuttal, the Chaotic Combo and Flame arrive. Sonichu doesn't go "oh, wow! New Hedgehog Pokemon!" like the other Sonichus did, and then Blake repeats a line? Huh?

Fuck it. They decide to use their combined attacks and I think they turned the attack into some sort of pinball game ("Awww... tilted..."), beat Blake, and win the day... What? Well... that was short... I mean, compared to the other three Origin Stories, this was the shortest of them all. I blame the fact that they're focusing on six introductions at once in a small amount of pages. There's also not a lot of closure. Just "Oh wow! We won!" "The end!" "Wanna girlfriend? Too bad, you get a monkey!" And no, I'm not making up that bit. Again, compared to the others, there was some closure. Sonichu talking to his father, Sonichu and Sonic celebrating their victory over their nemesis, heck, even the conversation between Nicole and Chris-Chan had some form of denouement.

However, we have six new characters ripe for development (pfffft, yeah right), and with Blake's return, I might be wrong about this going downhill as I had thought...

{sees the cover for the next issue}

Or they just may be beginning to fall over... Tune in next time when we... {sigh} Go on a love quest with Chris-Chan.

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