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Live Blogs The Liveblog of Time: The Shadow Rising
Eegah2012-10-20 19:10:47

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Chapter 31: Assurances

The Aes Sedai are Verin and Alanna, and by now Perrin is smart enough to know that can’t be a coincidence. Tam and Abell come in, and we find out the Aes Sedai were actually there first, studying a place that so many potential channelers came from. They agree to first get the Whitecloaks’ prisoners free before dealing with the Trollocs.

Dain Bornhold meets with Ordeith, revealing that it was actually him who killed Perrin’s family, and Bornhold covered it up so the Whitecloaks wouldn’t face even more opposition. But it still gets an Even Evil Has Standards reaction from him, and possibly the start of an Enemy Civil War. Meanwhile, Ordeith has imprisoned a Fade and makes a deal with it, and with the evidence we get, I’m now calling that he’s really Fain.

If it really is Fain, and he wasn’t a Complete Monster already, he certainly is now. When Dain Bornhold thinks you’ve gone too far, that’s pretty bad. And I think we can now officially call this subplot a Gambit Pileup all on its own, and now both sides are moving along nicely.

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