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Archived Discussion UsefulNotes / BritishEnglish

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Redkun: Removed-

  • "Sassenach" - Technically refers to any foreigner, but generally used a pejorative against the English.
-because adding it to the list of Scottish terminology ruins the joke a tad. (That, and it's far from a common expression.)

pagad: I'd like to suggest a similar article on American English, so that those tropers from other English-speaking nations may experience the truthiness can find what American English terms that they may not be familiar with actually mean. Anyone up for it?

Cidolfas: I think it's a great idea, but I'm not sure which words actually belong there - unless we take this page and reverse it. 8-) It would really need to be foreigners who hear American speech who can indicate what goes there. Me personally, I'd like a definition of the word "peaky", which I've seen constantly in Discworld and have not figured out what it means. Also I'd like to see more words like "chap", "cove", "brilliant", etc. since I'm not sure how many of them are actually in active use!

"Peaky" means to look a little ill, or tired. A bit pale, or perhaps red eyes, or the sniffles, that sort of thing. If someone's described as peaky, they should probably curl up on the sofa with a lemsip or warm milk and go to bed early.
