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Archived Discussion Main / Samurai

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Katsuhagi: I feel the need to point out that the page image is, in fact, of a Miko. Big difference, like comparing a Knight in Shining Armor to a nun. A Samurai Shodown or Last Blade character would be more appropriate.

Yes. Can we please get an actual Samurai, and not a Miko with a Katana?

It may be worth noting that most media depicting samurai fail to make any mention of the tradition of shudo. For those who don't know, shudo was age-structured homosexuality that was very widely practiced in the samurai class. It was considered a noble and high form of love, and it persisted for hundreds of years (ending with the Meiji Restoration). As a trope, samurai are glamorized in the extreme, and the omission of shudo from representations of samurai is worth a mention. Thoughts?
