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Stm177: Has TV Tropes spawned any Neologism that spread off the site?

Looney Toons: Not so much any true neologisms, but Genre Blindness has been spotted in the wild, and I coined that term for the wiki.

Tanto: In a similar fashion, I've exported the language of the wiki to several unrelated message boards I frequent. And several contributors found their way here from links on Wikipedia. So it's circulating. Slowly, but steadily.

Earnest: I would direct you to TV Tropes Wiki, specifically the second to last one. :3

Noaqiyeum: Crowning Moment Of Awesome has been spotted in the wild, too.

Cidolfas: I've been exporting some of the translation tropes to various messageboards I visit, particularly Woolseyism. I'm really hoping it catches on, because it beautifully identifies what a good translation should be.

Shadow Warden: Television Without Pity seems to be adopting some trope terminology (forget the specifics), though I think in some cases it happened the other way around.

Emma Iveli: Not so much of anything, but I would like to comment on the Gwendolyn name, I was almost named Gwendolyn as my mom wanted something old fashioned that wasn't used that often... but he came up with Emma first and my dad insisted that she changed it back to Emma... Ironically Emma is now one of the most popular baby names.
