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Working Title: Ascended Meme: From YKTTW

  • A trailer for a recent Dragon Ball Z fighting game remade a part of the famous "It's over nine thousand!!!" in all its computer-generated cell-shaded glory as its stinger, though unfortunately the new voice actor failed to live up to the previous narmtastic scream.
I want to see this. —Document N

Fly: Cutting:
The webcomic The Last Days of Foxhound explained the bizarre Arc Words of "La-Le-Lu-Li-Lo" from the games as being the Patriot's mind control preventing people who knew their name from speaking it. Metal Gear Solid 4, which came out well after the webcomic ended, makes this explanation canon, only with nanomachines instead of psychic mind control.

Because that, according to my beloved Sons of Liberty strategy guide, had always been canon. If anything, it's I Knew It!, since I seriously doubt Kojima bothered to read The Last Days Of FOXHOUND.

prescience: Cutting:
The most popular Fan Nickname of Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha's title character on both sides of the Pacific is the "White Devil". This was partially ascended during the third season finale, which had Quattro constantly referring to Nanoha as the "Devil".

AFAIK, the "White Devil" Fan Nickname was inspired by Vita calling Nanoha a devil in A's ("You're not a human, you're a devil!").

G-Mon: There were two Team Fortress 2 sections on the page. I merged them, but took out a couple bits I couldn't do a good writeup for, namely: "the word "Bonk" becoming a Running Gag, Jarate becoming an unlockable for Sniper..." If anyone wants to write a good paragraph or two for those, knock yourself out.
Ishntknew: Cutting

  • Baby Luigi, Baby Mario and sometimes Luigi himself will pronounce "Luigi" as Weegee

because this pronunciation was used before the meme appeared.
