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Reviews VideoGame / Psychonauts

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TalenLee Cranky Since: Jan, 2001
07/07/2016 15:59:04 •••

The Game Jesus Would Design If He Was Alive And Not A Pussy

If my time as the budget Yahtzee has taught me anything it's that nothing bad can possibly come from saying what I want to say about a game when he's already said much better. Or worse. Or something. It's also shied me away from ever buying hats. Seriously, the guy has the same birthday as me. It's creepy.

I'd love to have some insight into what, exactly, led to a gaming universe that produced Halo and Barbie's Horse Adventures (which to me sounds like an illegal porno title) to produce Psychonauts, but really, I don't. It's a funny, creative game with a lot of small ideas that are held together with a consistant, overarcing plot and a style that I wouldn't have believed if someone had pitched it to me in an elevator. Ten year old boy delves into the psychosese of madhouse patients implicated in world-conquering Government conspiracy? Where the hell does that come from?

Because of the unique design of the game - a sequence of basically, psychotic visions that represent the psyches of other people you meet - you get to go through a lot of different types of gaming environment, varying in how it chooses to express itself. No idea gets to be developed too hard, but then, that's good because it means no idea outstays its welcome (and some of them can't really sustain themselves for as long as one might like to think).

With a few counterintuitive puzzles, a frustrating collect-em-up aspect and late-game rewards that serve no useful purpose, I love this game to pieces. You can buy it on Steam or Good Old Games, and you should. For the puppies.

When purchasing Psychonauts, be sure not to be caught by shady government types.

MelancholyUtopia Since: Mar, 2014
04/15/2015 00:00:00

That title was uncalled for.

Those who can't laugh at the flaws of their favorite things, they're hardly fans.
Tuckerscreator (4 Score & 7 Years Ago)
Hylarn Since: Jan, 2001
04/16/2015 00:00:00

The title is the only part of this review worth reading. The rest of it is just a vague "I like this"

Elmo3000 Since: Jul, 2013
04/16/2015 00:00:00

I can't say 'Seconded' or 'Thirded' in regards to the title so... 'Fourthed'?

A shame too because this review isn't bad or anything. I mean I can't say that knowing you have the same birthday as Yahtzee really adds anything but it's not the most uninteresting thing I've ever heard. So a half-hearted thumbs up with turns into an awkward shaky hand gesture because of the weird title.

MiinU Since: Jun, 2011
Bastard1 Since: Nov, 2010
04/17/2015 00:00:00

Croshaw is hardly a person worth emulating... and you didn't even do a good job of it.

TheRealYuma Since: Feb, 2014
07/06/2016 00:00:00

The budget Yahtzee- what? Also, don\'t you think it\'s presumptuous to say that Jesus would have designed this game if he were alive today? I doubt you know the guy that well.

marcellX Since: Feb, 2011
07/07/2016 00:00:00

Sooo, does anyone has anything to say about the review itself?

Elmo3000 Since: Jul, 2013
07/07/2016 00:00:00

Well, I do actually think that, the weird \'I\'m not trying to be EDGY, but I\'m also putting no effort into not looking like I\'m trying to be EDGY\' title aside, this is a pretty good review.

But the title kind of draws your attention away from the content. Which is a shame, because Title = Bad, Review = Decent.

marcellX Since: Feb, 2011
07/07/2016 00:00:00

I understand, but I think that by the third jab at the tittle, I think people should had got it.

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