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Reviews Film / The Last Airbender

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Pumbelo Since: Dec, 1969
08/01/2010 14:23:03 •••

Truly hideous

I've always been a defender of M. Night Shyamalan, until The Happening was released. And I even managed to enjoy parts of that movie, despite it being one of the worst movies of that year. Even if I ignore the fact that it's a miserable failure as an adaption of the show, this is bad beyond belief. Everything about it. The worst part is probably the acting. It's just one step up from an Ed Wood movie. This is a completely unwatchable, abominable cinematic abortion that has been rightfully salvaged by critics as the heinous piece of shit it is.

Don't go see it. Don't go see any new M. Night Shyamalan movie ever again. I'm disowning the man. I don't know what he did here, but I wouldn't want to know. Get away from anything the people involved in this movie (with the possible exception of Dev Patel) even touch and never, ever, pay for any movie that's converted into 3D ever again.

Phrederic Since: Jun, 2009
07/03/2010 00:00:00

Hey, I'm sticking by Aasif Mandvi! And whoever did Aang since he did all of his own stunts, and that is Bad. Ass.

"Whoa" Keanu Reeves
SalFishFin Since: Jan, 2001
07/03/2010 00:00:00

N Ah, a woman did a few of Aang's stunts. Someone went to an unrefined preview screening and commented on it. Since: Dec, 1969
07/07/2010 00:00:00

Noah ringer did not do his own stunts. Jade Quon did most of his stunts and fighting. Look it up.

Phrederic Since: Jun, 2009
07/07/2010 00:00:00

Well fine, I won't back him up. I'm still supporting Aasif...if he didn't rape a puppy during filming or something.

"Whoa" Keanu Reeves
Ponicalica Since: May, 2010
07/11/2010 00:00:00

The only problem with Aasif Mandvi was that every single time he talked I was expecting Jon Stewart to show up.

the future we had hoped for
Phrederic Since: Jun, 2009
07/11/2010 00:00:00

...I have an awesome idea, you know the "Ozai" from the movie? That wasn't the real one, just a body double, the real firelord is Jon Stewart! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!

"Whoa" Keanu Reeves
MatthewTheRaven Since: Jun, 2009
08/01/2010 00:00:00

"Jon! Jon! I killed the moon, Jon!" "What? How could you have possibly KILLED the moon?" "I punched it to death Jon! It was like I was Little Mac from Punch Out! I dodged the fish's deadly upper cut! Then I hit the select button! PWNED BABY! WOOOO!"

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