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YMMV / To Reign in Hell

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  • Complete Monster: Abdiel is a manipulative, smug, and cowardly angel whose fear of death at the hands of the Fourth Wave drives him to commit his atrocities. Using his power of Mind Control, Abdiel controls various messengers to make Yaweh and Satan slowly hate each other, igniting a war between their factions, and sets himself up as Yaweh's second-in-command in the process. Attempting to make tensions worse, Abdiel accidentally kills the innocent angel Ariel, then cuts down Raziel for accusing him of the crime, and uses these murders to frame Satan even more as a dangerous traitor, before ordering the full-scale massacre of Satan's defenseless forces under the illusion of a truce. To ensure his own safety, Abdiel constructs the Plan, an event that will sacrifice one thousand angels to protect the rest from any threat by the Fourth Wave, and uses his position of power and various crimes to make sure he is as far away from the Plan when it takes place. In his crowning moment of cowardice and evil, Abdiel, once his crimes are discovered, decides to kick-start the Fourth Wave himself to cover his tracks, fully aware and knowing of the countless lives it can claim, yet completely uncaring, simply laughing that he'll be remembered through history for his acts.
